Part 2 Chapter 3: Surviving the Night!

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  It was 5:31 am and Wade was getting tired, although he had been sleeping a while before. "Wade! Don't you be sleeping! Come and help us look at all the security cameras!" Mark yelled as he motioned for him to come to him. Unlike the game, since there were more of the people, Anti and the others decided to make more than one screen. Wade had no idea why any of the dark sides would be doing this; Amusement maybe?  *ding ding ding* An alarm went off, startling everyone in the room. Wade looked at his watch and shouted, "It's 6 am...does that mean we made it through the night!?" Everyone looked at Wade, then everyone who had a watch (Mark and Matthias) looked at their watches. "Yeah! It does!" Mark said as he handed out high fives. Wade, being himself, ran to the door and just before he ran out of the room, Mark grabbed his shirt. "What the heck are you thinking!? You think Anti or the others are dumb enough to let us escape just like that!? Go sleep in the corner again or something, Wade." Wade, with his head down with shame, walked to the corner and plopped down on the floor. 

   Anti looked at his watch. "Oh, it is 6 am... let's go see if those rats survived the night!" He walked out of the room, with all of the other dark sides following him. As soon as Anti entered the office that everyone was in, everyone back away from him. "So, I see all of you survived... I am so happy for you! Just remember, the first night is always the easiest." Anti said as he walked to the hall and back into the 'meeting room', which was a small extra office of some former worker. "Everyone!" Anti yelled as soon as they all got into the small room, "We need to do something bad..something evil. I think I know the perfect thing....or should I say, person." Anti left the building and went to grab this 'person'. This person was quite far away, but this was Anti, so he just teleported there. He walked down the street and found the man's house. He walked in, and to make it easy for him, he was already asleep. Anti put a bag on his head and tied up his arms. When Anti returned to the room, the others had already called up the evil version of him, which they soon found out, was a BIG mistake. 

  It was just a normal day for Robert. Filming videos, editing them and posting them. He had been staying up for most of the night before, so he decided to take a nap. Okay, I will post something on twitter saying I am taking a break for a while, then I will take a nap! He thought as he posted his tweet. Robert set his on his pillow and slowly drifted to sleep. The next thing he remembered was waking up in a weird office room. "Where am I!?" He asked, still kind of sleepy. "You are in the night guard's office from the FNaF games" Sean replied. He only then realized who he was in the room with. "Oh. My. Gosh...I am in a room with THE Jacksepticeye! Oh my gosh! Mark is here too! And Ethan and Wade!" He shouted, unable to keep his excitement in. Matthias was hiding in the corner, but Robert was already friends with Matthias, so it wasn't that big of a deal to be in a room with Matthias. Mark, Sean, Wade and Ethan exchanged looks. "This is gonna be a long week.." Mark whispered to Sean. 

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