Part 2 Chapter 1: Not again...

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  Sean woke up, confused. "Where am I?" He thought to himself as he looked around. He was tied up, and next to him was Mark, who was also tied up. The lights were dim and were making buzzing noises. At first, Sean didn't recognize the room, but then, he realized it looked exactly like the night guard's office in the first Five Nights At Freddy's game. He sat there thinking of all the people who would play a trick like that on him and Mark, and ended up with a pretty big list; Some irrational and some capable of happening. Of course, Anti and Darkiplier were on the list, but they felt with them a while ago. Though, Darkiplier was still somewhere out there. Then Sean remembered that he was always just doing as Anti said. Without Anti, Darkiplier would never go back, and he was pretty sure they dealt with Anti those months before. What Sean never told anyone was that something had been off since that day. When he would write Jackspepticeye on anything, he would always accidentally write Antisepticeye, even when signing autographs to fans he met on the street. He just thought he was paranoid.

  A few minutes later Mark woke up. "Where are we, Sean...? Is this another one of your tricks?" He said with slight anger in his voice. "Oh look, it is the Five Nights At Freddy's office. Yeah, this is one of your tricks. It's cool but uncalled for," He added. Sean didn't even wanna try to convince him it wasn't him, it would be nearly impossible. Mark was very hard to convince. The automatic door jolted open, and in walked Ethan and Wade, but it seemed like they were being shoved in by someone. Mark tried to see who it was, but they closed the door so quickly, it seemed like the door could break a skull. "Uh....hi?" Ethan said as he scratched his head. "So...this is Five Nights At Freddy's, right?" He added looking around the room. Mark was very unimpressed with how calm he was about the whole situation. "Who was the person who shoved you in here?" Sean asked.

Good question, Mark thought. Ethan thought for a minute then looked at everyone. "Um..........I don't know," Ethan responded. Wade looked around the small room. "I know" Wade shouted, "It was Anti..." He added, looking at Sean to see the shock on his face.

"Anti!? Sean yelled from the back of the room. "It can't have been him. We dealt with him. He is dead." All of the sudden the door slammed open again. Sean already knew who it was most likely gonna be because everyone there had been a part of the disaster of the few months before except Matthias. And, as he predicted, in shuffled Matthias. "Oh so now we are playing a trapped room?" He snapped to the person pushing him in. Mark opened his mouth, about to say something when Matthias quickly whispered, "Don't. Just don't." He struggled to sit down with his hands tied behind his back. Sean could tell that Matthias wanted to leave even more than they did, after all, Matthias is a father, husband, Youtuber, and boss, so his plate is full even without all of these "disappearances" of him. Matthias rested his head on his hand and sighed All of the sudden, Sean blacked out. The next minute he was up, only, he was at the other side of the room, he was untied, and everyone else looked at that side of the room, terrified. Sean looked behind himself, and when he saw nothing he knew they were staring at him. "Ow.." He whispered as he felt his nose. He looked at his hand and saw blood, a lot of it. Matthias was beside him holding his arm and looking like he was about to punch him at any minute. "What happened?" Sean asked, looking at all of everyone's terrified eyes. They were leaning on the wall so hard it looked like another person and it would break. "A-are you Sean or Anti?" Ethan asked. At first, Sean was confused about what he meant, but after a minute, he remembered when he remembered when he woke up in his recording room when he was asleep. "No....just tell me what happened," he replied. Everyone leaning against the wall exchanged looks.

"Well, you blacked out," Mark said and Sean nodded, "Then, you just stood up and untied yourself as if you had tied it yourself. Your eyes turned green, and your skin looked Anti's..then, you grabbed Ethan by the neck. Matthias ran up to you and punched you in the nose to make you stop. You said something about something horrible to come. After that, you looked normal again and fell back down." Mark explained. Matthias slowly let go of Sean's arm and backed up.

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