Chapter 5: Is This The End?

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 Matthias was getting tired of sitting on the chair and was getting annoyed at all the stupid things Mark was saying about him. When he heard that they wanted to take their places, the first thing he thought about was Luna. He didn't know if Madieas would care if she was a baby and would hurt her. He tried to speak, but with the duct tape on his mouth, it was nearly impossible for anyone to understand a word he was saying. He managed to get his hand out of the rope tied around him and ripped off the duct tape on his face. "Let me go!" Matthias screamed. Matthias barely ever got this angry, but he wanted to get home to his family. "No!" Madieas answered, then walked up to Matthias. "Why would I every do that?" He teased. Matthias was getting sick of all this nonsense, so, he secretly untied the rope from behind his back and grabbed Maddieas' neck with the rope. "If your life depended on it," He replied.

"Make him let me go! Make him let me go!" Maddieas screamed as he struggled, trying to get loose from the grasp of Matthias. "Quick!" Anti yelled, "We can't let the other ones think they can get rid of us that easily!" Darkiplier ran up to Matthias and tried to get him to let go of the rope, but it was too late, Maddieas had always fainted from lack of oxygen, and was pretty much a goner. Dead and Lord Wade watched in disbelief, as Maddieas fell to the ground. "You little pest!!!" Anti screamed, "YOU LITTLE PEST!!" Anti stomped over to Matthias and grabbed him by the neck. Matthias struggled, then, he kicked anti in the stomach so hard, he fell to the ground. Matthias ran over to Mark and untied him and Mark finished untying Sean. "Come on guys!" Matthias yelled and motioned to the door.

"Wait!" Ethan screamed, "Untie us!" Before anyone could untie them, Darkiplier came over to them and dragged their chairs into the room behind them. Signe was tied up there too, and there was no way the would come back for them. It was too risky.

  Sean followed Matthias down the hallway, with Mark close by. "How did you do that!?" Sean asked Matthias, amazed. He never thought Matthias would ever be able to do such a thing. "I couldn't just let them lock4 me away from my child. Who knows what Madieas would have done to her!" Matthias responded. Sean slowed down. "We could have saved them," Sean whispered, "WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEM!" He yelled. Mark stopped and patted Sean on the back."There was nothing we could do. They would have killed us too."Mark sighed. Sean cried into his hands.                                                                  "Signe! She is with them too!" Sean screamed,"We have to go back! We have to!" He ran back to the hotel room and put his hand on the door, but before he could, Mark stopped him. "Sean, you can't do this, they will kill you," Mark whispered. Sean turned back and looked him in the eyes."I have to. If I don't, they will die, and I will remember this for the rest of my life. Goodbye," Sean replied as he slowly crept into the room. Mark secretly followed him, and Matthias realized what was happening and decided that he wouldn't let them do it alone, so he followed along too.

  When they got inside they ran to the room they saw them being dragged into, only, Lord Wade and Death were there guarding the place. "Guys," Matthias whispered, "I saw the fear in their eyes when I strangled Madieas, I'm sure they're afraid of me, so I will go....have a friendly chat." Sean and Mark both nodded their heads. "Hello, I don't think I have introduced myself! My name is Matthias!" He said as he put out his hand to shake.

"Oh....hi" Lord Wade replied, then, he ran screaming, "YOUR TURN!!" to Death, who looked at Matthias then started running too. "It's safe guys!" Matthias whispered to Mark and Sean. They both followed. Matthias quietly opened the door, but the moment he did, he regretted it, for in the room, too Darkiplier. "Oh hello" He chuckled, "I expected you to come back. "I knew you wouldn't be able to leave your friends to die." He smiled.

"Let them go, and I won't hurt you. You saw what I can do," Matthias yelled. Darkiplier was slightly scared, but he wouldn't let them know that."Yes, but I am much stronger than that 'Madieas". You can't defeat me, plus, I have a friend." Out from behind some boxes, walked Anti, and he was mad, really mad. "You thought you could defeat me, but we are much stronger than you are, Matthias," Anti laughed. The whole time they were talking, Sean was sneaking around Anti and Darkiplier and had been untying Ethan, Wade, and Signe. As soon as Signe was free, she went up to Anti and started strangling him. "This is for tricking me!!" She screamed. Anti gasped for air and tried to get her to let go of him, but she was strong. Anti soon fell to the ground, motionless and silent. "Is he..." Sean whispered.

"I think so." She replied. Darkiplier cowardly ran out of the hotel room and ran far away. Everyone looked at each other, speechless of what had just happened."We did it," Sean yelled, "WE DID IT!" Ethan and Wade were forever grateful, for Anti and Darkiplier would not be very nice to them."Thank you so much, Matthias," Sean whispered, for if it wasn't for Matthias, they probably all would have been dead."I had to do something. Those guys had it coming for them," Matthias replied with a chuckle.

They all thought it was over, but, Darkiplier, Lord Wade, and Death were still out there, and could come back anytime, and who knows how many more of them there were. This was only the beginning. 

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