Part 2 Chapter 6: What is happening!?

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 Anti stared at Sean, then at Mark. "So, I bet you two are wondering what I am going to do with you. Well, we are going to do nothing to are doing something for us," Anti continued, "You are going to set us free." Sean looked at Anti with slight confusion in his eyes. "Set you free? If you aren't free then how are you here right now?" Sean asked. "Well," Anti started, "have you noticed how I can control you? It is because I am you! Well, actually, I am simply a thought, a part of your brain. I set myself and all of the other dark sides here 'free', but, of course, we aren't free. We can't walk along all of you people, we can't have families, we can't have jobs, we can't feel any emotions other than anger and we can't LIVE!" Anti yelled the last part and smashed his hand down on the desk. Anti couldn't feel any emotions other than hate and rage, for he was only the anger and anxiety inside of Sean, but this time, for some reason, he felt sad. He felt a tear roll down his cheek and screamed, "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?". Anti started crying harder and harder, slightly terrified, which he also never felt before.

  Sean stared at Anti, confused. "Anti...are you..crying?" Sean said as he walked over to Anti, who had taken a seat at the desk. Anti looked at Jack, and Jack saw a hurt, PERSON, for the first time. "What is happening, Sean? I am not supposed to be able to feel any emotions other than anger and hatred!" Anti exclaimed. "Calm down, calm down", Sean said reassuringly, "Something must be making this to happen, and we will find out what, or who is causing this." Sean looked at Mark, and Mark waved for Sean to come closer to him. "Sean, what if he is trying to trick you?" Mark asked, a sharp tone in his voice. "He wouldn't know how to fake cry. He is not lying, trust me," Sean responded. "O-okay..." Mark hesitated. Sean ran back over to Anti. "So, you have never felt emotions before, yet for some reason, you are now?" Sean exclaimed. "No, it's not that I haven't felt emotions before, it's that I've only ever been able to be mad," Anti corrected. Sean nodded. "Okay, let's go look around for something that might be causing this," Sean said softly. 

  Mark did not feel good about what had been happening but is Sean trusted Anti, then he figured he could too. "Guys! Wait!...I'm coming," he said, awkwardly staring at Anti and looking away every time Anti looked at him. All of the sudden, out of the corner of his eye, Mark spotted something at the end of the hallway. "Guys! Look! Do you see that!?" Mark shouted, pointing behind Anti's head. Mark ran over to what he saw, shocked at the scene. "It''s a girl?" Mark whispered so that the sleeping girl wouldn't wake up. Anti ran over and put his hand on his mouth, tears in his eyes. Sean ran over too, to see what was going on. "Yuya? Yuya! What are you doing here!?" Anti yelled, picking up the preteen girl in his arms, holding her close. Mark and Sean stared at Anti with confusion. There must be some kind of untold story, Sean thought. 

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