Part 2 Chapter 8: Anti's Past pt. 2

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  The next morning, Anti woke up to the smell of warm coffee and crispy bacon. Sierra had made him breakfast and brought it to him on a tray. "Morning," He mumbled, mid-yawn. He wiped his eyes, then looked at Sierra. "Oh, thanks," He said, looking at the plate full of eggs and bacon on the tray Sierra was carrying. Sierra handed Anti the cup of coffee. She smiled, and Anti smiled back. Every morning was like this for days, which turned into weeks, which turned into months which turned into years. 5 years after them meeting each other, Sierra was now Anti's girlfriend and Yuya was 10 years old; she loved Anti as if he was her actual dad. Anti looked in the mirror, fixing his hair with his hands. He was dressed up in a white shirt, black pants, and a green tie. He was going on a date with Sierra while Yuya was sleeping over at a friend's house. Anti was especially nervous, for he planned to propose to Sierra. He put the ring box in his pocket and hopped down the stairs. " look beautiful!" He gasped. Sierra had a black dress on and her hair in a french braid. "You don't look too bad yourself either," Sierra joked. "Well, shall we go?" She asked. "Yeah," Anti responded, slipping on his black shoes. He opened the door for Sierra, and walked out to the car and sat down in the driver's seat. Sierra sat down in the passenger seat. Anti put the key in the car and twisted it. The car started loudly, and Anti back out of the driveway. When they got to the restaurant, Anti began sweating of nervousness. He got out of the car and walked towards the door, Sierra right beside him. They got to their seats and looked at the menu. Anti gulped, preparing himself for what he planned to do. They got their drinks and food, and when the time came for dessert, Anti knew it was time. "Sierra," he started. Sierra looked at him. "Will you.....marry me?" He asked, going down on one knee holding the ring out. Sierra gasped. "Yes!" She screamed, standing up. Anti knew it was too good to be true, it felt like the world was in slow motion, as Sierra fell to the ground. There was something Sierra didn't tell Anti.....she had cancer. She would secretly puke in the toilet, and each day after her work she would go to the doctor's office, just pretending that she was at work until whenever she got back. 

  The next few weeks were heartbreaking. Sierra had to stay in the hospital and Anti would drive Yuya to see her after school each day. Anti would often stay overnight with Sierra, having one of Yuya's friend's parents watch Yuya. One night, while Anti was asleep, Sierra slowly drifted away. "I love you," She whispered, tears in her eyes. Anti quickly woke up. "Doctors!!! DOCTORS!!!!!" He screamed, but he was too late, she was gone. He felt like it was his fault, "If I would've woken up earlier she would still be alive," He'd think.  The next day, he walked to the tree where he met Sierra and climbed up in it, crying. "I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I never even got to tell you who I really am, or what I am," He whispered as if he could talk to Sierra. "I should've known, all I am is a thought, a figment of imagination...nothing. I'm nothing. I couldn't love someone and someone couldn't love me." He sat in that tree for 3 hours, until he went home. Yuya was standing at the front door when he opened it. "Is it true? Is mom..." She asked, eyes full of tears. "Yes," Anti answered, hugging Yuya. They both cried for an hour. Blind with grief and pain, Anti left. He left his house, his child, and his life. "Yuya Is smart, she can survive without me," He thought. He packed his bags and drove the car far away, not heading anywhere in particular, just away from the memories. 2 years alone in that car full of grief and anger at himself caused Anti to lock away all feelings, except for hatred and anger. Anti wished he could just start over. He realized, there was someone who looked just like him....Sean. He wanted to take over Sean's life and start life new. He drove back to where Sean lived but figured out he wasn't there. Anti wouldn't rest until he found Sean, so he kept looking until he eventually found him through a youtube video. He was at a hotel in LA, So Anti being Anti, he flew on an airplane all the way to LA and tracked Sean down.

 That leads us back to where we started this story.

  What Anti and the other dark sides never knew about when they were using every way possible to terrorize Sean and his friends, was that the government was tracking them down, suspecting that they were some kind of evil/black magic. They tracked them down, using things such a cameras and other tactics. They found out that Anti was at a secret location, which was the Five Nights At Freddy's pizzeria set up. Not knowing that there were innocent people in that building too, the government decided to bomb the place, causing an end to all of that mischief. "Do you guys hear that?" Mark asked, hearing the whistling of a bomb falling growing louder and louder. "That sounds like....a bomb!" Sean yelled. "Everyone get down!!!" He screamed, dropping to the ground, covering his neck. Anti collapsed, hugging the little girl close to him. "I'm sorry," He whispered in her ear. "Everyone closed your eyes, It'll be okay. I love all of you," Sean yelled. It was loud for a second, but then everything went quiet. Anti opened his eyes and saw Sierra. He hugged her, crying. Yuya joined the hug, then Sean, then Mark, then everyone who was in the building. It was over. 

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