♡Littles Tag♡

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What is your favorite stuffy's name?

Her name is fluffy she's a cat I got her when I was one andddd she's been there for me for everything ❤️

What type of animal or doll is your favorite stuffy?

It's a cat✨

What is your favorite snack while in littlespace?

Um...I like to eat like fruit snacks 🌚 I got a whole box of gushers I love them so much

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Moana always will be moana 👑✨🌴

Which Disney princess, prince, or character is your favorite? ITS STILL MOANA CAUSE SHE IS EVERYTHING 😭✨

What is your favorite cartoon?

Ooo I move start and the forces of evil and I also love Steven Universe I also started to watch Boku no hero academia or my hero academia🤘🏽

Do you wear diapers? If so, what are your favorite brands of diapers?

No... I don't think I need them imma big girl🥰

Do you use pacifiers (dummies, binkies, soothies)

uhhh....no but I want one

Do you suck your thumb?

It depends I do it when I'm sleep it's a force of habit...

Do you use a sippy cup?

Uh not now but I'll will I have like little Disney cups and stuff but I have multiple cups I consider as my "little cup"😋

Do you have a Mommy/Daddy/Caregiver?

YES!! her name is Terrica but I call her daddy❤️

Do people in real life know that you're little?

Uh other than like the people I told on wattpad nooo...

Do you have a little age or age range?

umm by my self I act like I'm 4...or 6... but like with my daddy I act like I'm 3 because she thinks it's cute andddd I like attention from her😊

When did you realize that you were a little?

umm It was like some years ago ...I feel like I was a little before I knew what it was because I've did tons of research on it and I kinda found out from my daddy about it because she said I act like one😂

What is something that will always put you into littlespace or something you always do while in littlespace?

Something that puts me in it is if I'm listing to Melanie Martinez..(I love her don't judge me🌚) and also if I'm just sad and I really want someone to love me it also depends on how I feel because if I'm stress I slip into it❤️

Are you a sensual or nonsexual little?

Non...sexual...Non sexual nope😬

Are you (or do you want to be) a little 24/7?

Umm no...because I have to like work and stuff and I also have friends that don't know that I am a little and it would be weird if I was doing it around them.😪

Do you like coloring?
- If so, do you prefer crayons, colored pencils, markers, watercolor, pastels, or something else?

yessss!! I like to use colored pencils because it's neater and crayons break easy because I color hard😭😭😭😭

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite little nickname to be called?

Umm daddy calls me princess and baby girl so🤷🏽‍♀️

What is your favorite bedtime story or fairytale?

Any story daddy makes up😊

Do you sleep with a nightlight?

Nope🌚 the tv I don't like the dark😪

Do you sleep with a stuffy?

YES FLUFFYYY but I also just bought this thing two stuffie from universal when I went to grad bash and I sleep with it on the bus and it's sooooo soft😩

YES FLUFFYYY but I also just bought this thing two stuffie from universal when I went to grad bash and I sleep with it on the bus and it's sooooo soft😩

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I would answer more questions if y'all want me too🤗


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