♡rules, punishes, and rewards♡

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#1- Send daddy a picture of your food so she can know u ate that day at least twice

(I forget to eat a lot so like.... she gottta check up on me💀 I honestly went 3 days with out eating or drinking nothing)

#2-No bad words

(yea🌚 ok...)

#3-Nothing sweet in the morning or late at night

(......I ate birthday cake for breakfast one day anddd I had a stomach ache after😬😬)

#4-No attitudes and always say please and thank you

(I do none of those things because like I'm not nice as I was before and I like to get what I want😂)

#5-Drink at least one cup of water every day

(like I said...I can go days with out eating or drinking cause like...I dunno I just forget and yea)

#6-Send daddy one selfies everyday because she likes to see you😍

(that's not a rule she just steals my pictures ☹️ that's I don't like taking)

#7-No talking back to daddy

(I do that alot😂😂😂)


(I...am very...uhh...self conscious like I look at my online friends and people at school and like I look down on my self because I don't look like them or have hair like them and yea...I've always done that😪)

#9-If your good Monday-Friday I'll send you a bedtime story on sc or the voice recording thing(once I get my phone)

(she broke her phone 😂😂😂but I like stories before I go to bed cause it makes me happy and sleep better for some reason)

#10-You can't fall asleep if your not happy

(I always go to bed crying...like it's a thing I do😪 I just sometimes I don't be happy)


(It's nothing really much she can do because we are in a long distance relationship sooo yea🤷🏽‍♀️)

No bedtime stories 


No talking to daddy for 10 minutes

(I....can't...even...take...like you may think that's not bad but you don't understand this is the only person I talk to everyday and like nobody else talks to me like my phone be dry and 10 mins with her is like hours🙄)

No rp for 30 minutes

(I like to rp and honestly if I don't conversations will be awkward and I would stop talking but I don't want to cause like I said that's the only person I talk to)


A sticker on your princess chart

(I have a princess chart😊)

Typed bedtime stories if your good that day and audio for the week

(cause I always ask for them 😂😂😂)

Those are my rules and stuff my daddy made me❤️ I follow them because imma good girl 😇 and yea💖 love you guys😘


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