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Hi guys🥰

How are you?

I'm currently sitting in a class doing absolutely nothing and I hate it and it's boring in here😔

Nicki isn't online and the only person I talk to keeps leaving me so all I have is my music and my journal.

Actually tho, it's only like 8 people in my class, I wish I had a car so I could leave and go home I would be playing Fortnite right now but because I'm a good student, I'm went to school today.

My daddy won't talk to me cause she's a booty hole and she don't care about me🙃 so I'm just... on here...saying hi...I guess.. I don't know. *facepalms* I'm about to get on TikTok by you guys 😭😭.

Update: I have no service🙂 but my throat feels a lot better so🌚


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