♡Whats in your little space bag?♡

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Little space bag 🎒

Little pace items you can put in a bag for your little!!

✨ A little bag, or age regression bag, is any bag used to store and carry your little stuff place to place. It doesn't have to actually be little, it can be big or small, have a cute pattern or be a solid color, all that matters is that it can hold your stuff! It can be an old backpack, a mini backpack, a suitcase, a purse, or even a lunch box! ✨

🎒the basics🎒

💕No matter if you're traveling or staying at home, these items are great to have if you're in little space! ✨

🌠 Small Stuffie - Having a little friend nearby can help alot, especially if they're soft or textured! You can even get a licensed character to show off a fandom you're in!

🌠 Bottle/Sippy Cup - As long as it's leakproof, it's great to throw a bottle or sippy into your little bag in case you get a bit thirsty! Water is the best choice, but feel free to have some juice if you want!

🌠 Wipes - Whether they're individually packaged or come in a travel pack, wipes are just a good thing to have in general! They can help clean up sticky fingers, a dropped paci, and many other messes, which makes this a must have!

🌠 Bandages - They can come in various colors, and may even have some familiar faces on them! So whether it's for a papercut, scrape, or just to be used as "stickers", they certainly will find a use!

🌠 Coloring/Activity Book and Crayons/Colored Pencils - Coloring books are great to help keep yourself occupied in case of little space! You can get a simple kid's one or even a detailed adult one!

🌠 A Kid's Book - Whether it's a small chapter book or a board book full of pretty pictures, having a nice book to read can be great! Sometimes slipping into a fictional world or getting enthralled by nice imagery first can making slipping into little space much more easier!

🌠 Snack/Treat - Sometimes having a yummy granola bar, some animal crackers, or even a lollipop, can help make a journey throughout little space go as smoothly as possible!

🌠 Portable Gaming Console and Games - Playing fun games rated E for everyone or EC for early childhood is a great way to entertain yourself! If you don't have a gaming console, but have a phone or tablet, feel free to download fun apps. I have my DS In my bag at all times because I play Mario Kart a lot lol but I also have my phone so that counts as well!

🌠 Music Player - It can be a MP3 player, an Ipod, or even your phone, if you can create a playlist - or more - for little space, it can really help! Listening to kids' music, or even just songs that help you feel little, can go a long way!

🎒 Undercover Little Space 🎒

🌠 Cute Water Bottle - Staying hydrated is very important! If you happen to have a cute, fun water bottle, which so happens to have a spout, you're just taking care of your health! I have a lot of water bottles including a really bright pink Hydro Flask with stickers around it lol, I take it about everywhere I go.

🌠 Multicolored Pen(s) and Notepad/Journal - While crayons may be questionable, having a multicolored pen (or several colorful pens) is just very responsible! After all, you may need to take some very important notes or draw some very important pictures!

🌠 Activity Book - Think word searches, crosswords, mazes, and hidden pictures! They're really common activities to do, and they're great for the mind!

🌠 Fidget Toys - Whether it's a fidget cube, fidget spinner, tangle, or squishy, they're all tools to help stimulate your brain for optimal levels of functioning! As a plus, they come in all sorts colors and designs, so they are sure to fit your aesthetic! It also helps with anxiety or just if your fidgety!

🌠 Toy/Collectable Keychain - They're basically just mini toys or stuffies, which can make finding your keys much easier! However, if you just want to hang one on your bag, that's fine too! They can make a great accessory to show off some interest of yours! I have overwatch ones they are like mini pops that I get from hot topic or GameStop when I go to those places.

✨ So now that you have all your gear gathered together, feel free to have a wonderful time in little space! Have fun! ✨


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