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I feel Like people are gettting tired of my little space...

I dunno I've been really stressed lately cause of all the things I have to get for my prom which is on the 18th and it's a lot and I'm overwhelmed cause my mom wants me to get a ride for my friends and my friends have plans and it's a lot...

I feel like my daddy is tired of me... I honestly don't care about the prom at this point I just want to have fun that night.

Anyways...I'm an over thinker...and I'm thinking about things..I probably need to stop...

Anyways I just wanna cry...also just want play my game but my mom won't let me buy my stuff with my money and it's aggravating... at this point I can't wait to leave 😣

Also I woke up with a headache so that's fine...

I'm going to go not bother anybody... and try not to have a mental breakdown 🙂


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