♡Tips for caregivers♡

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So today we will be going over tips for new care givers on how you should take care of your little because...well I'm bored and my person I talk to is gone 🥺

Anywho, lets diveeee right into it🥰

Hewwooooo💕 I'm Jaylen and I'm a little and I'm going to tell you some tips for first time caregivers☺️

Caring for a Sensitive Little~ (like meee)
♡ Use a soft voice
♡ Pease don't shout at them
♡ Always have some band-aids on you (for boo-boos and "boo-boos")
♡ Hug them often
♡ Hold their hand so they don't wander off (they will wander off if you don't)
♡ Only wash their comfort item while they sleep (that way they won't be awake to miss it)
♡ Memorize their favorite foods/how they like certain foods cooked
♡ Love and cherish them with all your heart

How to Take Care of a Sick Little🤧 (me ATM)
🤧 If the above illnesses are more common for your little to have. For example, my daddy knows I have asthma and is aware I get sick easily and more often than most people.

🤧 In littlespace, your little may not know how to communicate they don't feel well. For this reason, be alert if they seem to be fussy more, not eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom normally, etc.

🤧Encourage your little to take their medicines and go to the doctor if it's needed. This is important to their health!

🤧Be ready for more tantrums, cuddles, and whining

🤧Be lienient with rules and punishments since we're sick, please.

🤧Make your little nap if they're at all sleepy, since sick littles need more sleep.

🤧Encourage them to rest and not play (even if we say we're ok🥴)

🤧Clean sheets and replace toothbrushes after they're healthy again to ensure no one else recatches it.

Should I continue I'm a little sick bean and I have to take two exams tomorrow and I really just wanna relax and talk to people but I decided to make this I might make a tips for new littles tomorrow after my test🤧

Anyways go follow my daddy daddy_ddlg for two stories that she has read to me ☺️ I don't know if she still updates the book but yea☺️

Bye bye!


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