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Sooo next week I have two AP exams, One for Psychology and one for Physics 🥴 I don't know why they making me take these classes like I'm smart but ok chief🙂

Anywho, Im about to graduate and the seniors last day is on the 17th 🥰 then I'm going to college 😋 I can't wait because I'm tired of high school like I really am, it's too much drama and I'm just trying to get outta here🤷🏽‍♀️

But on the other handddddd I'm getting older which isn't as much fun😖 but I mean... that's life.

Also I don't start school until the fall so that's a plus😭 I need my break.

Anyway I probably won't be on here all next week 😪 even though you guys make me so happy _badbitchbey_ I'm not talking about you— you don't make me happy 😂😂 (I'm playing)

But love you guys💕

Also good luck to daddyonces because they have Exams as well❤️


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