♡A sensitive little♡

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A sensitive little is some one who...is a smol baby who needs a lot of care.

Cause..I wanna cry anyways...

How to take care of a sensitive little...


🧸Taking care a sensitive little💕

🍒Use a soft voice

🍒Please don't shout at them

🍒Always have some band-aids on you

🍒Hug them often

🍒Hold their hand so they don't wander off (they will wander off if you don't because trust me I do🙂)

🍒Only wash their comfort item while they sleep (that way they won't be awake to miss it)

🍒Memorize their favorite foods/how they like certain foods cooked

🍒Love and cherish them with all your heart

🍒care for them with all your heart :3


That's it...


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