♡Little me randomness♡

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Hi little Luna here 🥰 today y'all are going to meet my little side so be nice cause I get offended really fast☺️

Anyways hi!

My name is Luna and I don't like to take naps.. naps are bad and going I rather be up playing my game but daddy says naps are good for you.

I have my bestest friend her name is fluffy! She goes with me to the doctor some times cause I don't like shots and doctors scare me.

Anyways may favorite things to do when I'm in little space is color and play my game, In my discord I'm in preschool and we do work everyday well every week day and on fridays we have movie night, last Friday we watch Coco and I loved it sooo much.

My daddy some times talk to me but she has to work a lot lately but today she Dosent and I'm extra happy☺️

I have anxiety and regressing helps me with that a lot.

I have a bunch of stuffies my main stuffie is fluffy and she's a cat, I've had her since I was a little girl.

My little space is really cute if you ever see me in it☺️

I would love to talk to people about age regression, but I feel like people think it's weird so...

I also started to stream on twitch so that's fun☺️

I like to play my game as well.

I'm going to build a blanket fort in my living room then imma sleep in it and have a camp out cause why not☺️ lol

Umm bye you guys I'll update y'all later💕


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