♡Little me♡

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I'm in class and I was asked to make a littles card for me. And I decided to make one cause why not..

Also I'm bored🤧 and I don't test again till tomorrow.

Age:17(18 next month☺️)
Littles age:3-4
Likes:playing overwatch, Fortnite, coloring, music and cuddles🧸
Dislikes:yelling, large crowds, the dark, spiders, mean people🥺
In my little space: I'm always a happy bean! I love my video games especially overwatch💕I don't like naps but I absolutely NEED them or I get grumpy. I needs lots of attention and I have a short attention span unless it's something I wanna do. I'm a very sensitive little bean to people yelling at me or around me and or getting mad at me🥺

I really love attention but like...I'm agervating and I don't know why my daddy puts up with me🤧

But anyway a quick update I'm done with exams and I'm more than likely going be in little space a lot sooo any questions PM me I'm a really bored bean😭😭😭


♡Wittle ol me♡Where stories live. Discover now