♡Why do I regress♡

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It's Luna, Smallbunni here💕

Today I'm going to tell you why I age regress...

It might sound weird this has been I my drafts for a long time lol🤧

So, here we go...


I don't like being a adult.

- Smallbunni 💕☺️

Lol nah...that's not fully why..

I regress because a lot of things. One of them is because of my social anxiety. And one if for my childhood.

To be honest I don't wanna go all deep down into the the childhood part all I'm going to say it's my dad was a alcoholic and my mom would 10000% of the time be crying, I would feel helpless and on top of that they would be always be yelling at one another (there was a lot of yelling and anger in my house) so another reason why I don't like yelling and or if I feel like someone is mad at me I get soooo much anxiety.

To this day like, the teacher could point me out for getting something wrong in class or doing poorly and I would instantly feel really bad and try not to cry.

At school in that person who will 100% of the time will have headphones in to bypass human interaction because I feel like I'm going to say something wrong so I try to avoid it at all cost.

Crowds are a whole different story, for a different because I can tell you what happen at my grad bash🥴

I have a fear of rejection which affects a really big part of my life so I don't know what to do.

I use to self harm but...that's a different story for another day... my daddy helped me to stop that.

Also I just really love being a little it isn't stressful and it gives me a Feeling of safety and comfort when I do it.

Umm there are slot of other details... that I don't feel like typing out...so...

Any questions PM me... or not...don't really care lol.

Anyways, thanks for putting up with me...


♡Wittle ol me♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora