Black Cats And Fun Times

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Eventually, after a lot of persuading and nagging, I finally got Chat to agree to let Marinette (me) be used as bait. It would have been a lot easier if he had known my identity, but our lives must remain separate and secret.

Now we just have to take care of the whole event thing. I thought. This should be fun.

I didn't know what I'd tell Chat Noir about me not being there while Marinette is used as bait, but later, I decided that I would ask Tikki what to do about it.

"What kind of event do you think that it should be?" I asked Chat. I didn't know what we could put on. I was hoping to do something small, considering the fact that it was only to catch a villain. But it had to be big enough to attract all of the kids in the class.

"Maybe a school dance?" He suggested with a grin. "You could be my date."

"We don't exactly have time to participate." I claimed. With Chat Noir needing me as Ladybug to deal with the villain, and as Marinette for bait, I wasn't exactly needing any more responsibilities to attend to.

"Yeah," He said somewhat awkwardly. "That makes sense. I was just thinking, you know-"

"Sorry, Chat," I interrupted. "But these kidnappings have been bothering me. Maybe it's just the fact that we've never dealt with kidnappings before, but this feels different... We need to take this with more caution than ever before." I said with determination.

"Y-You're right."


Later, in the comfortable room that I called home, I was lying down on my bed talking to Tikki.

"What should I do, Tikki?" I panicked. "I can't reveal my identity to Chat Noir, and I can't be Ladybug and Marinette at the same time. What should I do?"

I didn't hear a response from Tikki, but instead I found her hiding from the view of the window. I heard a quiet tapping.

I looked up to find none other than Chat Noir. Oh my god! How much did he see? Did Tikki hide fast enough? Thoughts of possibility and paranoia filled my head.

I went over to the window and opened it, greeting him. I giggled and said, "You could have just come through the front door, you know."

"That wouldn't have been any fun, now would it?" He said after giving me a kiss on the back of the hand. He smiled.

He didn't seem to have seen Tikki. I internally gave out a sigh of relief. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked, laying on a thick layer of mock ignorance.

"I actually feel really bad about asking, but Ladybug and I really need your help..." He paused. "Ladybug thought that since you helped with the Evilistrator, that you could help us again."

"I totally will!" I exclaimed excitedly. "I was glad to help out. What will I be doing?"

His face grew grim. A new side of him that I had never seen before, shone through. "Ladybug was thinking that, since this akumatized victim seems to be targeting your class, that you could be used as..." His face became sour.

"Bait." I said. I tried to put on a surprised expression. "I know that you'll protect me. And I think that it's a really good idea."

He looked shocked. "But what if-"

I interrupted him- yet again, might I add- to speak my thoughts and sooth his mind so that he would be okay with putting me in danger. "Chat, I'll be fine." I sighed. "So long as it helps you and Ladybug save people, than I would be glad to help."

The cat superhero looked at me strangely, with a look that could only be one thing.


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