Say Goodbye, Lady Wifi

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We didn't have any leads. None at all. We had the general direction, but nothing else.

I dared a glance at her face. Most times when I saw her, her face was full of awareness and confidence. But now, her confidence wavered. "Marinette," I began. "didn't I tell you that we might have known each other?" I gave a grin, trying to lighten the mood as we exited the school. We were looking for a path of destruction that usually lead us to a villain, but found none.

"I guess you did." She gave an unconvincing smile. "We need to focus, though. We can't let anyone else get kidnapped. How did the akumatized victim manage to take six people at the same time?" She wondered aloud.

"Maybe his power is teleportation." I replied, surprised by my own suggestion. "That would be a cat-astrophy."

"That would make sense, but we heard him take Sabrina, remember?" She paused. "Maybe he has to see the place he wants to teleport to! Maybe that's why he had to grab her. But that doesn't explain the disappearing."

"You're right." I saw her brainstorming ideas.

"I've got it!" She smiled brightly. "Now that we know each other's identities, we know that he's targeting our class, therefore targeting us. We can set another trap!"

"What if he takes Alya and Nino first?" I didn't want another situation like that to happen again. "We don't want to repeat the same mistake twice."

"And that's why we'll split up. One of us will stay with Alya and Nino, while the other stays somewhat close to the school, alone."

"That could work!" I began. "Let's do it." I finished determinedly.


I waited outside, whistling a tune. The song sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it. Where had I gotten it from?

I stood alone outside as bait. Ladybug was walking toward the school entrance, and was just walking past me, when we heard Alya yell, "Nino!"

Ladybug and I shared a look. We simultaneously bolted toward the entrance of the school. We both took out our weapons and started spinning them. But by the time we reached the bench that Alya was sitting on, it was too late.

"Nino!" I yelled. I looked at the crying Alya that sat before us. "Where did he go?" I questioned.

"I-I don't kn-know." She began to cry again. Ladybug reached over and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Ladybug. Y-you're- you're M-Marinette." She claimed, surprising us both. Hadn't she been unconscious?

"Um, no... What makes you say that?" She said nervously as she took her hand from Alya's shoulder and itched the back side of her head. Oh boy.

"You-" Alya was cut off.

I saw a man instantly appear right behind Ladybug. Before I could shout a warning, the man sent her flying. She hit the floor. "Mari- Ladybug!" I corrected myself mid-sentence.

Then he was suddenly in front of me. He punched my gut sending my crumbling to the floor. I held my stomach in pain. Then he turned on Alya. She backed away, scooting to the far end of the bench until she fell with a small yelp. He reached out his hand and-

"No!" With a flash of black and red he stumbled backwards, clearly surprised and confused. The yo-yo that had been sent flying, retracted and fell perfectly into Ladybug's hand. She shook off the hurt from her falling and dashed back to the villain with rage in her eyes. "You won't hurt my friend!" She exclaimed.

Then he was gone. She looked behind me. I turned around and backed away with quick, fluid movements. Alya had gotten up and stayed behind me. I saw him clearly this time. He only looked like a shadow. Like a pit of darkness in the shape of a man. I swung my weapon, but it missed him. He had teleported to the side, closely missing the blow. Ladybug also tried- and failed- to attack him.

He vanished again. All was silent and he didn't reappear. We looked around the room, only to find an empty spot behind us.

Alya was gone. And we were the only ones in the vast, quiet room.

It was just Marinette and I left.

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