Chat Noir

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"Adrien?" She looked deep into my eyes. Uh-oh. She knew. Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod. What would I do? I didn't know how to respond to her accusation. She had utter bewilderment in her eyes. A deep cherry red color had risen and covered her entire face.

I gave a lame smile, embarrassed. "Um... Why would you think that?" I claimed. It was a long shot, but who knew? Maybe it would work. "I'm not Adrien!" I gave a weak, hopefully-convincing smile.

"Chat..." She began. "Tell me the truth." That look...

This would be fun. "He he... Yeah, I'm Adrien." Her eyes widened. She wiped the tears from her eyes and stood. Her blush had only managed to deepen as I had confirmed her suspicion.

"We have to make sure that everyone else is okay... Adrien." She looked unsure about her word choice. My name seemed wrong in her mouth. "We'll talk... later..." I knew that she was surprised at my true identity, but she looked like she had more than that on her mind. What was she thinking about?

"Wait, Marinette," I started. "You should let me go. It is my job after all."

She looked uneasy. "What if the kidnapper makes an appearance?" She asked. Shoot. I hadn't thought of that.

"Stay close behind me." I hoped that I could protect her and the other students at the same time. But it looked like Ladybug wasn't going to show up. Why would she bail, though, on such an important mission? I wasn't sure how I was going to accomplish this impossible task without her, but I silently prayed that I was able to do it.

Despite the grim situation that we were in, I always did like to lighten the mood. I couldn't even imagine the fear that Marinette must have been feeling. Despite our circumstances, though, she still wore an expression that told me she wasn't afraid. Again, I admired her astounding courage.

I felt Marinette's hand tentatively touch mine, pleading for my gloved hand to be a comfort to her. I allowed her hand to be enveloped by mine. "You okay, Purrincess?" I asked, half wondering, half trying to lighten the mood. I gave a lopsided grin that I knew Ladybug secretly loved.

She rolled her eyes and gave a small giggle. "I'm fine, Chat Noir," She began. Man, how does she handle all this pressure? I thought. Her look grew a bit more intense. "What I'm worried about is the other kids in our class." How did she do that? She was always so selfless; how didn't I notice it before now? She was so determined.

"You're right." I replied. "Let's go." I opened the door, making sure that Marinette stayed safely behind me. We walked outside of the classroom expecting to hear music and shuffling feet.

We heard neither.

Instead, we rushed to the edge of the walkway that outlined the second floor, pressing our bodies against the railing, our faces contorted in fear. We looked over the edge at the scene before us.

I saw Nino hunched over an unconscious figure. It was-

"Alya!" Marinette screamed, eyes full of terror and emotion. Her knuckles turned white as they gripped the railing. It seemed that it was the only thing holding her back from reaching the bottom level.

As a superhero, my first instinct was to survey the scene. Even in the heat of an intense battle or showdown, I still had to see what the damage was. I knew that in the end, my focusing would have to be double to make up for a certain missing bug. This time, I was on my own.

My eyes didn't travel that far, however, before noticing something that I probably should have noticed before.

Besides Marinette and myself, the only students in the room were Alya and Nino.

We were the only ones left.

A/N: Hia, guys!

I don't usually do author's notes, but I do when I have important things to say. Okay, maybe not super important, but..... Still..... Read it, okay?!?!

That was probably not what you thought would happen now was it??? Comment and tell me what you think! I love the feedback.

If some of you guys also like fantasy books, be sure to read my book Angel In The Sky and tell me what you think about that.

Another thing that I'd like to mention is that I'm sorry for taking so long to update (or am I?) especially after such a cliffhanger.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. And until next time, dear readers, I'll see you never.

Ha... ha.................ha.

That was FUNNY! Get it? 'Cuz you're looking at a screen? Hahahahahahahahaha......... I'll stop now.....

Bye, bye my little butterflies.

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