Antibug Wants Her Daddy

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Eyes widened and soaked with tears, I dashed to the wall in which my captor mysteriously disappeared. My fist was the only sound in the room; it was banging against the wall with undying fury. I finally gave up after what seemed like hours, and collapsed, seemingly becoming a mess of a girl on the floor. I sobbed.

I huddled in the corner and hugged my knees close to my chest, choking on the wails that escaped my mouth.

My Daddy was the mayor of Paris. If anyone could save me it was him. I remembered his smile, and the feel of his arms around me.

Most peoples' first hope would be Ladybug or Chat Noir, but my Daddy had always been there my entire life and not just appeared out of nowhere one day when a bad guy made of rock tried to destroy Paris. He was always there. And I knew that no matter what, I could always depend on him. After I escaped our hotel when Lady Wifi's rage was coming to a close, it was his arms that held me tight.

I cried into my knees, no doubt ruining my makeup. But at least no one would be there to see it.


It was days after my capture and being accustomed to the darkness of the room, that finally, something happened.

I was blinded. The light... It was almost too much to bear. A screen that I hadn't noticed before lit up the room and sadly, that included my eyes.

I almost yelped aloud. Why did the man do this to me? Why me?

I could only see dark spots clouding my vision, so I blinked a few times trying to adjust. What was on the screen? I had to know. All that anticipation... ended here.

I looked up again and saw the words:


What in the- What is that supposed to mean? Did he really just capture me to show me a documentary of Paris's great heroes?

I set myself in the wooden chair that was in the center of the room. I was interested nonetheless.

I felt the coldness of the chair, but rather than thinking about it, my eyes were watching the screen with an intense hunger.

And the first thing I saw was...


Author's Note:

I am SO sorry!!! I haven't updated in, like, a month!

I went on a small vacation, then school started, and I don't know where the time went! Please don't be mad with Wima Author-Chan! I really am sorry. I love writing probably more than you like reading (just saying).

So now that I've got that out of the way... I made a new book!!!

"Wima, another one?" Random Person says.

Yes, guys. Another one.

It's called "The Hiding Girl" and I hope that you'll support me and check it out.

Until next time, I'll see you never.

Bye, bye little Butterflies.


Edit: I JUST got 4,000 views!!!!!!!!


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