Time's A Creepy Guy

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Alya was gone. They were all gone.

And it was my fault.

If only. If only I had kept my eyes on her. If only I had stayed with Alya. If only I had done my job as a superhero. I was supposed to protect her. Protect all of them.

And I couldn't even do that. I felt tears form in my eyes and before I knew it, I was full-out sobbing.

I was suddenly pulled into a pair of strong, loving arms. I heard a soft jingle and I looked up to see his glowing bell. That dumb bell.

I wrapped my arms around him as well, clutching him as if my life depended on it. The tears on my face slowly dried as realization made its way into my head.

I was hugging Adrien. Adrien Agreste. ADRIEN. AGRESTE. A deep red spread throughout my face like a wildfire consuming a forest. And oh boy did it burn.

We parted and the air was silent, awkward, and still. "We have to save them." I said.

"And we will." He declared.

We walked to the main entrance in the direction that Nino had pointed us. "Where do we go from here?" I asked. "Do you think the villain knows our identities?"

He looked worried and unsure. "I don't know if he knows our identities or not, but we should probably keep our masks on just to be safe." He paused. "As for where to go..."

"You've got nothing." A harsh whisper surrounded us and I felt as though we were no longer alone. Chat kept talking, but it was like I couldn't hear him; his voice was muffled.

"Wh-who's there?" The unanswered question staggered out of my mouth.

"M'lady?" Chat asked, concerned. "There's no one there. It's just us." He made his voice clear to me, but only for a second.

"Do you really wish to know?" The voice asked, simply oozing an evil feel. The voice was moving. It swirled around us, not fast, but I could definitely notice. The voice was growing louder too.

"Wh-what are y-you?" I stammered out.

"Must you really find out?" It was closer again. The whisper... It was going to find me. It was going to take me.

"I will always find you." It taunted. "I can fly without wings. And I can kill, but I am harmless."

"Ladybug!" I was confused when I looked around and my eyes found Chat Noir's worried face. "What is it?" His voice had pulled me back into reality again, but just for that moment.

"I don't know. I don't know!" I wanted to hide. Find a corner to curl up in and forget about the world.

"I am..." It was behind me and approaching. The fear inside me grew and my eyes grew larger and more wide.

"Time." It was a hissing whisper directly from my left shoulder. My legs quickly carried me away from the voice. And I turned to see...

That Chat Noir was gone.

And I guess I got my wish to hide, because I was alone.

In a room with white, bare walls, a chair not built for comfort, and a screen that displayed one word with an oddly satisfying cartoon font.

"Miraculous?" I questioned amid the sudden silence.


First of all, I gotta start off with my classic "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

How do you like it??? Do you like the intensity? Do you hate it?


But seriously... Ya like'n it???

I know that this one was kind of short. Most of my chapters are. But this one was especially short. I don't know why, I'm making this stuff up as I go! I usually like short chapters because it keeps up the suspense.

Until next time, I'll see ya never.

Bye, bye, my little butterflies.

~Wima The Awesome Author-Chan

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