The Bubbler Behind Bars

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Marinette was Ladybug? That was, like, so cool. Ladybug is one of my dudette friends, that's so awesome! I'm still a little shocked though.

Alya would freak when she found out. Her best friend.

I was still sitting next to Alya, waiting for her to wake up. I had moved her to the nearby bench that we had previously been sitting on. I was currently sitting by her side.

I nudged her a little. "Alya, wake up, dude."

She shivered a little, but otherwise remained motionless. I shook my arms out of my jacket and set it down on top of her.

She looked so peaceful, despite the events that had occurred so recently. This day was probably the most exciting ones of my life. I found out who Ladybug was! Somehow, I had managed that before Alya.

I thought about it for awhile and didn't realize how much time had passed when I saw Alya's eyes slowly open. She groggily sat up, my jacket sliding onto the floor.

"You okay, dude?" I asked, while picking up the jacket.

"What happened?" She said as she rubbed her head. "I have a killer headache."

"Well uh, you see..." I had no idea how to finish. Did she see Marinette turn into Ladybug? What was I supposed to say? "This akuma dude shoved you real hard and, uh, you kind of hit your head." I'll let Marinette sort it out later, I thought. It's not my secret to tell.

I was curious to see what she had to say next and awaited a response. So it was kinda odd when I didn't get one. I looked up to see Alya looking at something behind me, eyes widened in fear.

I slowly turned my head. Now, my mind often comes up with a bunch of crazy and unlikely scenarios when I'm scared. So when I saw the fear etched into Alya's features, I thought there was something as scary as the Horrificator behind me (that akuma attack still gave me nightmares).

I never saw it, though, because I felt a hand on my shoulder and was dragged. The heels of my shoes made a squeaking sound on the hard wood floor. I felt a thick arm clutch my neck from behind. I dimly heard Alya shout in protest, but to me, it was like background noise. I saw her look at me, but not directly at me. Her eyes were darting around, seemingly unsure where exactly I was.

Then, I saw Alya's face vanish right before my eyes. All I saw was darkness.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "What the heck, dude!" The same firm grasp grabbed my wrist and tugged with a large and powerful force.

I was shoved into a chair. My head slammed backwards. And then the lights turned on.

The shadows were gone now replaced by an almost blinding white. The walls were bare. I was alone in the room. Alya was gone. Was she taken too? I looked around the room to see no one. Not even my captor.

I looked to the the wall in front of me and saw... A screen?

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