dare by stardashAura!

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Dare:I dare rainbowdash to jump off a cliff and let soarin to rescue her! PS:you can't save your self.

Rainbowdash:what me?! Jumping off a cliff?!?!?! I won't do it!.
Hmpp! And what I'd applejack gets jealous

Applejack:hey! Ah heard that ah won't get jealous I promise just do it!.

Rainbowdash:ugh fine!! But how am I gonna get clipper to save me ??

Keisha:you have to find a strategy..

Rainbow: o okay here's my idea...I'll pretend my wings to be broken then I'll find the closest cliff to his house then I'll go write a letter to soarin "soarin it's an emergency you have to go to the closest cliff to your house hurry! By spitfire" And I'll wear some fake bandages and when he gets there I'll pretend that I fell accidently....

Keisha: perfect!  Now go!!

Rainbowdash found the closest cliff.she did her process..she wore a fake bandages to her both wing then she sent the letter. And hide in a large tree that is very close to the cliff she heard some footstep.

Soarin:hello?? Where's the emergency?!

Rainbow:*whispers*here's go nothing then she dived to the cliff and yelled..........."HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPP MEEEEEEE"

SOARIN:RAINBOWDASH?, WAIT!*flies really fast and catches rainbowdash.

Rainbowdash:soarin you saved my life your my hero!

Soarin:I know I know want my autograph?

Rainbowdash:okay let's not push it. Thanks again..

Soarin:your welcome...Wait what's the emergency spitfir--

Rainbow:bye!! *flies away really fast....phew! Done!!

Thanks for the dareStarDashAura

Comment what cha think and don't forget to ask and dare the mane six!!!

Keisha out....lol

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