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@DoubleContagious I'm sorry but your dare is gonna take a time I'm still not done studying you dares.

S: Spitfire!

Sf: what's your problem soarin??

S: you have to stay here Twilight said I got a dare

Sf: yeah sure but you owe me

S: Yeah yeah just stay


S: so wussup girls? Where's rainbowdash?

Aj: *roles eyes*

Ts: she's out with fluttershy their getting snacks for us

S: fluttershy huh?? Careful applejack

Aj: just shut up and let's read your dare

S: chill

Dare: I dare soarin to kiss applejack

Aj: WHAT?! No!

S: you have to babe

Aj: never call me babe or Ah'll shut yer head off

S: sure baby

Aj: *glares*

Ts: he's right applejack you have to do it

Aj: but dash will be devastated! Ah can't lose her again!

Ts: we know and I'm sure she'll understand

S: so you gonna do it?

Aj: but rainb--

Ts: she'll understand applejack

Aj: fine!

S: *smirks and kisses Applejack*

Ts: kiss back applejack

Aj: *roles eyes and kisses back*

S: *smirks*

Rd: A-applejack? W-what???

S: *pulles away smirking* I enjoyed that babe

Aj: Dash! It's not what you think it is

Rd: I think it is... Applejack Why would you do this I was only out for a couple of minutes and I'll see you with him??

Aj: Dash listen--

Rd: * runs away*

Aj: Rainbow wait!...*runs after her


Aj: dash are ya there?

Rd: no I'm not here so go away

Aj: Rainbow just listen to me

Rd: no! I said leave!

Aj: please Dash just hear me out

Rd:I don't want to here anything from you

Aj: just Hush!  Ah'll explain everything

Rd: fine you got five minutes

Aj: it was all a dare!

Rd: so? Is a dare more important than me??

Aj: no! Of course not!

Rd: then why did you kiss him?

Aj: twilight said ah have to

Rd: and you listen to her?

Aj: she's mah friend

Rd: and I'm your girlfriend

Aj: ah know I'm really sorry dash please forgive me I won't do it again please?

Rd: I know it's just a dare but...seeing you kissinb with another guy...it's just too much I can't get it out of my mind...it's killing me

Aj: *kisses rainbowdash*

Rd: *kisses back*

Aj: did that help?

Rd: a little but I'm still mad...you think dares are more important than me

Aj: no ah didn't yer the most important person in mah life and ah'm really sorry for hurting you

Rd: I forgive you

Aj: thanks *hugs*

Rd: *hugs back*

Hope you liked it

Keep daring and asking


Ask and dare rainbowdash Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang