😈and😜 xD

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I JUST LOVE IMOJIS BUT I LOVE RD AND AJ MORE and I am so so sorry for not updating it's just my mom,sis and I went in mall for shopping for clothes because school starts soon and I have swimming lesson and soccer and I'm really lazy. PLS FORGIVE YOU'RE SAVAGE AUTHOR😢😢 and I really don't know what's writers block's personality so I'm just gonna go with it

Ts: hmm....any minute now...


Ts: aha!

Rd: uhh twilight what are you doing??

Ts: we got dares!!

Aj: that's great I gotta go eat ice-cream!

Rd: wait no Aj!

Aj: why?

Rd: you won't look sexy anymore if you keep eating that junk!

Aj: so?

Rd: you look more good when you sexy so don't eat ice-cream!

Aj: you won't love me anymore when I'm fat?

Rd: no! Tarts not it! Just stay fit kay?

Aj: ugh fine but I really wanna eat ice-cream!

Rd: why do you even want to?

Aj:I don't know I just feel eating it like I'm craving?

Pp: O MY gosh! Are you pregnant??

Rd: whta it can't be!  We never did it!

R: be honest!

Rd: fine we did but we never used that fertilizer that twilight gave us! It's too early where not even married yet!

Aj: she's right

Rd: omg are you cheating on me?? I mean did you sleep with someone??

Aj: what?! No! I wouldn't! I just want ice-cream!!

FS: maybe you were just over reacting girls applejack just want ice-cream I mean I want ice-cream too everyday but I'm not pregnant.

Rd: yeah maybe your right but Aj stay fit!

Aj: fine!

Ts: let's just do our dare

Dare:I dare fluttershy to kiss a girl and we can use her OC! Her name is writers block and shes pansexual so it's okay with her

Fs: uhh...I'm not really sure eif I can do it what if she get mad??

Wb: I won't


Wb: hey there sexy I'm writers block

Rd: dude she's taken

Wb: bummer.. anyways why am I here??

Ts: you see DoubleContagious said we can use you for her dare

Wb: sure whatever she says what's the dare?

Ts: you have to kiss fluttershy

Wb: that sexy cowgirl there?

Rd: *glares*

Ts: no that girl*points at fluttershy*

Wb: not bad

Fs: y-you don't have to do it...it's okay...

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