#41 by: 😜😜😜 and 🍎🍎jess..lol(edited)

141 8 3

Sorry for not updating my wifi has a problem it keeps going off and on over again

Rarity: hey girls!!

Rainbow: hey Rares

You have 2 notification

Applejack: oh we got a dare

Rarity: *reads the Loptop* oh it's for me and rainbowdash and Maud pie???

Pinkie: YAY!! Sis!!! I'll call her now *calls Maud and hung up*

Rainbow: that was fast wait what did you say and what did she say?

Pinkie: I said someone has a crush on boulder!! And she said she want to meet her!!

Rainbow: who is....she??

Pinkie: everyone meet moulder!! *shows teh shiny rock*

Applejack: where did you get that?

Pinkie: on the ground silly!! Oh here comes Maud!!

Maud: hi pinkie hi pinkie's friends

Everybody: hey Maud!!

Maud: pinkie said someone has a crush on boulder

Pinkie: here! Her name is moulder!!

Maud: boulder asked her to go on a date..

Rainbow: uhh I'm confused

Applejack: don't be it's their...thing let's go in my house and have our own date

Rainbow: yay!!!

Rarity: your not going anywhere darling you have to do a dare with Maud

Rainbow: *pouts* aww

Applejack: *squeezes Rainbow dash's cheeks* you look so cute! When ya do that!!

Rainbow: *blushes* no I don't!!

Rarity: stop you two we have a dare it's getting boring for the readers

Rainbow: fine but..why so bitter??

Rarity: it's non of your business! I'm going to do my dare now!*reads the dare* WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT!?!?!?!

Rainbow: what happened???

Rarity: applejess said I have to burn down my boutique!! I'm not gonna do it I mean those dresses and hat purses!!

Rainbow: *laughs* chicken!!

Rarity: je ne le ferai pas!! Et ne m'appelez pas de poulet!!

Applejack: now y'all speaking fancy!! I'm out!! * leaves teh room*

Rainbow: you have to do it!!

Rarity: oh I have an idea...TWILIGHT!!!!

Twilight: what?? Did something bad happened??

Rarity: yes something about to happen!! So I need you help to transfer all my dresses in my house!! So when I burn my boutique I'll still have my dresses isn't it brilliant!!

Twilight: why would you burn your boutique??

Rarity: it's a dare

Twilight: oh okay * claps* done now DON'T BOTHER ME I'M TRYING TO STUDY!!* leaves the room*

Rarity: perfect!! *burns down the boutique and cries And leaves the room*

Rainbow: okay.....time for our dare Maud! !

Maud: I have to feed boulder first *grabs a pizza and shoves it to boulder* done what's the dare?

Rainbow: DoubleContagious said we have our scare the rest of your sisters

Ask and dare rainbowdash Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora