Chapter 5

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Everyone starts shoving their clothes on, cause they don't want to walk in the middle of the pit in there underwear. As Tobias is getting dressed I can see he's nervous.

As soon as were already we start walking to the fear landscape room. I can hear what their talking about. I remember what Chris said to me that one day. " He's so tough that he's probably is afraid of marshmallows or something" Only I know how wrong she was.

Once we get to the room, Tobias calls out " Everyone get a partner to help you with your needle"

We all go in the room, when were all injected. He's standing there looking very nervous. I go over to him and slip my hand in his. " Don't worry," I say. " I'm right here".

All of a sudden were standing on the Hancock building. " What do we do?" Zeke calls. " We jump." yells Tobias. Everyone jumps but me and Tobias. " Come on" I whisper. So we start running and then we jump.

Then were in the small room. Quickly I curl up in Tobias's lap. Everyone wonders what were doing until the walls hit their backs and the all fall down. me and Tobias start laughing and I guess that slowed his heart rate down until we could move on. I was waiting for him to shoot the girl. But it never came.

Instead there was a gun pressed to my head.

His fear landscape must have changed. I think. Then I realize their is a gun pressed to my head. What? I should be watching a simulation me. Why am I here? Then I realize that the simulation serum must have recognized me and put me here.

Someone must be holding the gun. So I turn my head to see what or who it is. I start screaming when I recognize the face.


I look over to Tobias and see him screaming my name. Why won't he come save me? Then I realize he can't move his feet.

Then I hear the sound of a bullet clicking into its chamber. I freeze.

" Now son, I like Beatrice's parents but I can't stand to see you happy after what you did to me" he snarls. " It was very selfish"

Then I hear a gunshot, a scream, and I crumple to the ground. I know its a simulation but it feels real. I get up to face the next simulation when I realize I'm too late. I am way behind Marcus, and he's whipping him over and over again. But what breaks my heart is Tobias is sitting there crying, or more like bawling. I run over wiping away tears of my own. I quickly block the next blow, and take the belt and whip him. I sit down next to Tobias and rub his back. Immediately, he calms down and were out of the simulation. The whole time, our friends were standing there frozen seeing the tough Four crying.

" Your from abnegation? " Zeke asks. Tobias nods. " And your dad is the head of the government, Marcus Eaton?" Chris asks. He nods again. " And those erudite reports were true, about him abusing you?" Will says. Tobias nods. " Were the ones about your dad true, Beatrice?" Peter asks sarcastically. I look at him and say in Fours instructor voice " No, you little asshole, now SHUT UP!"

Eric's just standing their. " You only had four fears?" he says in awe. " Yea" is all he says. Eric looks up. " You deserved to beat me."

Then he walks away. Everyone starts walking back to Zeke's for more truth or dare.

" Guys, I think were just to going to go home" I say. They all nod. We start walking out when Tobias turns and says " oh guys, you better not look at me like a kicked puppy tomorrow, or I'll kick you asses".


Hey guys! I got to say, I loved writing that chapter!
I would also love if you could give some feedback on how well I write, cause I want to be an author when I get older.


No War~Divergent fan-ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें