Chapter 19

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The initiates keep coming down but I'm not the one greeting them so I try and memorize everyone.

I end up giving them pet names, on how they look or act.

Mini Christina-Val

The joker-Morgen

Berry(she has strawberry blond hair)-Lauren

The twins-Hans&Ellora



Pervert(he is so inappropriate!)-Johnathan

Sleepy(he looks half awake most times!)-Ethan

Superstar(big ego)-Carter

Mini female Uriah-Bethany

Green goblin(he dyed his hair)-Dante

Shye(get it? like the name)-Maddie

These kids don't look so bad. Yeah, sure, they are a little self centered. You should see those twins. Their walking around helping everyone. They are from abnegation, I think.

As we walk I hold Toby's hand. I hear a few awes, and a few grunts. There, we made it clear.

Me and Toby stand outside as Chris and Will show the initiates there bunks. We wanted to talk a bit.

At the dining hall, we sit down to eat. The initiates are coming later.

"So," he starts "what do you think of the initiates?"

What do I say? I have many thoughts on the initiates. I don't know. So I give him a one worded answer.

"Their fine"

After I speak, the door opens.

Everyone stands up to clap for the initiates. Honestly, a lot of them look terrified. As I suspected, they come to sit with us.

They have their hamburgers in front of them. Yet, they surprise me. Their just staring at their hamburgers.

"Go on," I speak up "eat."

Then I realize something. This is what I was like.


I decide to ask.

"Are most of you from abnegation?"

Almost all of them nod. WOW! The boy twin speaks up.

"After Beatrice Prior switched last year, it gave us the push to do what we wanted. Do you know her?" he asks, oblivious to who he's talking to. Toby laughs so I smack him. I think I'll have some fun with this...

"Yeah, I know her. She came first in her initiate class. She is also a dauntless leader."

They all look amazed. The Smiley girl looks up.

"Do you know where she is?"

I smile and then point to myself with my thumbs, looking awesome. Toby starts laughing his head off.

So I smack him again.

The kids look like they want a autograph. When their stomachs start rumbling, Me and Toby teach them to eat a hamburger.

I feel amazing. These kids are here, because I gave them the guts to. It makes me feel important.

Like a hero.


I haven't wrote in forever!!!! I have decided that I will write the rest of the book in chapters, and post it, probably some time this summer. It would just be easier for me! But if you would rather keep getting 1 chapter at a time, just tell me.

I have a wattpad book recommendation for you!

Its called "The bad boys girl" .
It is amazing!

Bye for now!


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