Chapter 20

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  "RISE AND SHINE TROOPS! GETS YOUR ASSES IN GEAR AND GET TO THE TRAINING ROOM!" I yell. Me and Toby, I mean Four, had a thumb wrestling match to see who got to yell at the initiates. I won.

The initiates start groggily sitting up. Some give me pissed off faces while some are jumping out of their beds grabbing their over sized baggy clothes that we gave them.

    I walk out of the dorm and head to the training room. Today were doing weapons. Also, we added some confidence building at the end.

   In the training room, Toby is practicing shooting. The little crease that he gets on his forehead is the cutest thing. Obviously, I would never tell him that. He doesn't like being called cute.

   When he sees me, he saunters over with a smirk.

   "So. Did you yell at them?" he asks. I tell him exactly what I told the initiates. After he is doubled over in laughter. It is such a odd sight.

   The initiates walk into the room half asleep. All of them look like zombies. I glance at Four. He has a disappointed look on his face.

   He looks my way. I make a shooting action with my hands and face them towards the air. He smirks. Damm, that smirk is sexy!

   He points his gun in the air and fires. Its only a blank though. The initiates all fall to the ground in a fetal position. It makes me double over in laughter.

  When they get up, they all look pissed off again. Man, this will be fun.


   Please don't kill me for taking so long! I've been really really busy. The chapters are short and I don't update often but at least its something. I'm trying to find a schedule to update more.


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