Chapter 14

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Who knew that being a dauntless leader was so exhausting.

Caleb and Tobias had finally made up while me and Tina went shopping yesterday. For Tina.

I helped her with her wardrobe and took pictures with this new things called phones that the erudite are releasing. Christina is going to love the fashion transformation I created.

And I was right. When I showed her she freaked and said stuff about how the student has become the master.

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 10 months later~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

The new initiates are coming soon. About 1 month. I can't wait. Eric got pretty pissed off when I got to oversee the transfers. It was a fair decision. Rock, paper, scissors never lies.

As I'm walking down the hall, I hear a scream. I run towards the sound. When I see it, I almost scream.

Everyone is gathered around a lifeless body. I try and get a closer look. Once I get close enough, I know who it is.

Its Max.

People around me are whispering and hissing about the cause.

" Members," the nurse yells. We all face her. " We know the cause for Max's death. He had a history of heart defects and had a heart attack."

Eric then steps forward.

" As all leaders, Max had a will. There will be a reading of it in 30 minutes. Please where something formal as a leaders death is nothing to cheer about."

Wow. A formal funeral. At least I feel better that I know when I die, it won't be a celebration.

~•~•~•~~•~• page break( because I want to!)~•~•~•~•

We all sit down in the cafeteria. All the tables have been cloaked in black.

Right now, I wear my most formal dress. It is a solid black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline.

" Fellow Dauntless," Eric starts." Max, was a great leader. He wanted dauntless to be tough. And he achieved that goal. So now, I will read a list of stuff and priorities he wants other people to have."

Eric rambles through. I barely no anyone who is being given stuff. When Eric reads his name he smiles. Max gave him his suite. It is 6 times the size of mine and fours apartment. And ours is pretty big.

I didn't recognize anyone else after that. Until he said my name.

" Tris prior," I look up. " For your determination and bravery. For standing up to Eric when you didn't like how he enforced your initiation, I give you full control on managing the initiation to make it fair and right. I hope you will improve it very much." My mouth goes dry. I can turn the initiation process around! Make Brave members instead of murdering B***he! ( Eric, Peter etc.)

" And my last request," Eric continues. " Is to give my spot as head of dauntless to someone trust worthy and brave " Eric looks smug. " I give this to..." his face goes pale.

" Four."


Omg, I just thought of that! I though it was pretty great. Comment your opinion!


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