Chapter 6

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First of all I want to say I'm so sorry! I've been so lazy these past couple of days, when I could have been updating. but to defend myself I just wanted to say that if I had updated when I was all lazy the chapters wouldn't have been that good. So I might as well get on with the story.


We wake up and I look into Tobias's eyes, and remember last night. Right away his open too.

" O.M.G, Tobias are you okay? From what happened last night? Are you sure you can go to this job picking thing?" I start blurting questions out. I can't stop my mouth from running words through it.

He starts stroking my hair. " Shh, a lot of them will think its a dream cause most of them were wasted" he coos. It sounds, though, more like he's trying to convince himself though.

We go get dressed to go to the ceremony were I get to pick my job. I think I know what I want to pick, but I want to see what Tobias thinks before choosing it.

After he's dressed in a tight black tee, with black jeans. I'm wearing a similar black tee (mine has curves!), and black leggings with a cropped let her jacket.

  As were eating our breakfast, I decide to ask him.

" So, Toby, what job do you think I should pick?" I know what I want but I want to know his opinion.

" What were you thinking?" he asks. " I was thinking dauntless leader." I respond back.

" You know, like what Eric does. He's a leader but he comes to help you with the initiates. " I say. He looks at me and says " You know what I think that would be the perfect job for you! You like having people listen to you, yet you get to hang out with me during training initiates" I think about what he said and decided. Yes, I was going to be a dauntless leader. A good dauntless leader.

~•~•~•~•~•~ Time lapse to the ceremony ~•~•~•~•~•~

" Tris Prior!" Eric shouts. I walk up on stage. In, Out, In, Out I remember Tobias saying. He said that even if you know what job you want, its still nerve racking. Then I think to myself " more likely, I'm just mad at Eric for yelling" I think to myself. I walk up to the mic. In, Out, In, Out. " Dauntless leader" I say. Something must be wrong with my choice because Eric walks over to me.

" OK, Tris. With dauntless leader you have responsibilities. " I wonder where this is going " Now there is a list and you pick 2 to be yours" Oooooooohhhhhhhh " Now here's the list, go sit down and once you pick two come and announce it"

Sounds easy enough. I start looking. Then one catch's my eye. Initiate over viewer. I look at the description. Watch's over initiate trainer and initates. Group of your choice. I'm definitely picking that one I keep looking. Ambassador, represents dauntless in the other faction meetings. Perfect. Just the job for me. A chance to see my family but this time they have to let me talk. They can't tell me to shut up like at the dinner table.

I walk to the stage, and see I'm going to be interrupting someone. And I smile when I see who it is. Peter. I walk up on stage and say to Eric " I've chosen" He goes over murmurs something to Peyer and peter gives me a glare. I walk over to the mic and say loudly " I have chose Initiate over viewer and Ambassador as my responsibilities " And I walk off the stage with a smirk.

Sorry again about not updating! But I'm so excited since I think that I'm going to see divergent today. And my friend is letting me borrow her mortal instrument series. Also I just wanted to say thank you for any votes or reads or comments. There are so many of these kinds of books that I didn't think anyone would read this. I swear I jumped up and down when I got my first comment! Anyways...
As always, Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!!


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