Chapter 7: The Dissolve

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As time went on the both of you had made friends in such a short time and the both of you had lives to live without each other. Though you still written to each other on a monthly basis or so just to keep everything in line with what's happening in your lives.

It was exactly what you had thought what had ran through your mind when you first met Robert and it expanded to something you forethought. Robert had become your new boyfriend. Though it was a hard thing to consider at first because a long distance relationship is always a hard thing to comprehend.

Joe always had a blast goofing around with his friends and future jokers, Sal, Brian though they all called him Q, and James but they called him Murr. Joe instantly made friends with them when Sal had introduced him to his friends. They ended up knowing tons about each other, but when Joe had gotten the letter with the news about the both of you. Joe had shown some distance from his friends and sucked up all the hurt again, and let you know that if you were happy then he was happy for the both of you. Joe had most likely seen something like this coming. Guys would not be able to resist your charm, smarts and personality without something coming from it all. Distance made your relationship crumble.

Once Joe had spiraled into depression again over losing you, his friends seemed to notice. A few times they had came over to Joe's house to mess around in the basement filming themselves doing some crazy stuff. While Joe was eating dinner with his mom and dad. They all stumbled into Joe's bedroom and saw the pictures of you on his nightstand and a couple of them on the wall. Joe had never talked about a girl or a girlfriend before.

All of them thought something bad must have happened to you and that's why Joe wanted to remember you, so they left it at that. "She is probably the reason he has been so down lately." Q said. "I feel bad for Joe now." Murr said. "Well I guess we will just have to be there for him in case he ever wants to let us in on who this girl is." Sal stated looking at your picture on the wall. "C'mon guys let's get down to the basement before Joe finds us in his room." All three of them scrambled out and closed the door.

A month or so since then and another letter had popped up, with another picture to put up on the nightstand. This time Joe had asked for your number so he could call you, as long as it wasn't for a long time Joe really didn't understand why a phone call would cost any money on a bill. Just in case you needed to call Joe had sent in his phone number though he was sure you would remember it when you were here.

About a week later, Joe's mom told Joe that he just got a phone call, with a big smile on her face, Joe sped on out from the basement to the home phone. "Just be sure your call doesn't exceed a half hour!" She yelled to Joe. "Ok got it mom." Joe yelled back as he quickly looked at the clock, took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hey, (Y/N). It's Joe, and I am glad you got my letter and my phone number." Joe said trying to contain his excitement.

"Wow, Joey long time no talk. Yeah I got your letter here and I am glad we can finally talk to each other. Though I guess we both have to be kinda brief with it though." You said. "I still miss you. Every now and then I would think back to you."

"Well, you know I miss you." Joe replied. "I still think about you every night before I go to sleep, and every morning when I wake up. The pictures you sent me are on top of my nightstand."

As Joe didn't know his best friends were eavesdropping on Joe's telephone call. All three of them listened from behind the wall just as they were going to enter the kitchen. "Those pictures he has of a girl in his room is calling Joe. I thought something bad happened to her." Murr whispered to the other two. "Same here, I was thinking she died." Sal said quietly. "Joe must have a thing for her, and I wonder what happened to her." Q whispered.

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