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The date was slowly getting closer to his birthday and also having bottom surgery, in 5 days he's going to turn 19 and is then going to get bottom surgery the day before, the countdown starts now for him, he didn't do anything with his hair he left it natural, he dressed in a white tank top, black jogging bottoms, black ankle socks and black and white slides (outfit above) , he went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, he then went to get his phone from his room and put in his jogging bottom pocket. He walked downstairs to his mom, dad, brother and sister he had some breakfast and then went back to his room.

Camila went into her bathroom and did what she needed to do for eg, her hair, make up (even though she doesn't need it) and her teeth, she went back to her room and put on a black Nike tank top, grey jogging bottoms, black and white socks and grey Nike sliders (outfit above), she got her phone and put it in her pocket after texting Lawrence saying:
"Hey are you ready for school cause I'm not, ❤️"
His reply was "not really gorgeous I'm a bit nervous I'll be there soon" she smiled and went to eat breakfast with her family, she had chocolate chip pancakes and then some apple juice before she left the house.

Lawrence pulled up outside of Camila's house and honked the horn for her, she kissed her parents cheeks and Sofi's head before leaving. As she got to the car she got in the passenger seat and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Lawrence smiled at her and grabbed her hand before he started to drive, she grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles softly to relax him, he smiles and soon pulls up to school, as he pulls up he turns the car off, jumps out of the car and opens Camila's door for her, as she stepped out he smiled at her and kissed her head.

Camila got out of the car and smiled at him softly, she began to walk but was pulled back by Lawrence's arms, she turned around in his arms and looked at him confused until he kissed her softly, she smiled against his lips and kisses back softly. The kiss was soon broken when Dinah came up to them with a smirk on her face "you two getting at it huh?" Camila went red but Lawrence was getting annoyed with what she was doing so he glared at her, Dinah's smirk suddenly dropped when she saw the look she got.

Lawrence is protective of what's his so he took pride in Camila and kissed her head, to Lawrence Camila was the definition of perfect.

To Camila Lawrence was the definition of perfect to her, he treats her right and she loves how safe he makes her feel.

If I were a boy (camren)Where stories live. Discover now