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Lawrence and Camila were at Lawrence's house having a lazy day Lawrence was wearing white Adidas shorts and Camila was wearing black Adidas booty shorts and a lose black tank top they were in Lawrence's game room just playing on the PS4 they were playing GTA 5 well Camila was Lawrence was sat behind her holding her waist. The couple were in the game room for hours just playing random games and cuddling.

Camila decided that she wanted food so she walked downstairs and made herself some toast and got bananas too she made her way back upstairs to Lawrence and sat on the bean bag. She took small bites of her toast so that she could concentrate on her game soon after she finished her first piece of toast and began to eat her second piece, she finished that pretty fast too so she waited a while to eat the banana.

Camila walked into Lawrence's room and flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about Sofia and how she hasn't seen her for a while. Tears began to form in her eyes as she remembered her sister being taken away from her because of her fathers behaviour towards them.


If I were a boy (camren)Where stories live. Discover now