BEN Drowned X Reader

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It was late at night, you didn't want to go to bed because you were so close to break your record. It was about, how long you could keep being awake and play all sorts of games without a break. Your record was, 25 hours and 53 minutes. [If you have been playing in a longer amount of time... Just imagine some new numbers in the text :p]

You finished the game and quickly started to find a new game to play. In your gaming box were there only shitty games left, [In my opinion isn't there a game that's 100% shitty] except for Majora's Mask. You couldn't remember buying it... But who cares. Not you apparently. You packed it open and started to play. It was fun so far but it all started to lag a little. You didn't think to much about it, because you have been playing for a long time and the DS was also starting to be burning hot.
[Time Skip]

You finally broke your record and could now rest [in peace. Jk] You didn't even bother to brush your teeth or anything... Right now, was sleep the most important. The night or rather morning was peaceful and quiet, perfect for a long nap.
[Time skip again •w•"]

You woke up by some weird noice coming from your DS screen that you forgot to turn off. You just thought it accidentally started a new game and went on with it, but the sounds didn't seem familiar. You looked over to see what time it was, it was 7 pm. Now that you already have slept a lot, was it probably time to get something to eat. You made [Name of food] and ate it quick. When you got to your room again was a theme playing... But backwards. You recognized it by the game Legend Of Zelda and could hear I was Song Of Healing but playing backward. You have heard, if that song was being played backwards, was there a new name to it and that would be Song Of Unhealing.

You didn't know why your DS would play that theme now so you investigated it a little closer. By opening the DS more saw you a that the game that you have been playing and finishing, was now named BEN. You thought it was strange and started to be a little creeped out. ' What if someone have broken into my house and is still here?' You started to question what was going on. The theme stopped playing and a little giggle came instead which creeped you more out. [The giggle from Skull Kid... I think. Just tell me if I'm wrong] " Don't be scared. Just wanna play" A glitchy voice said. You literally dropped your DS and defended yourself with a pillow. Which wasn't the best... A hand came suddenly out of the screen followed by the rest of the body. Turned out to be a boy that looked like Link from Legend Of Zelda... [:3 Well well well] " Heh... So we finally met up in person [Y/N]" The boy said.

Since you were cleaver, guessed you that was BEN. " Why are you here BEN, if that's even your name?" You asked, " Idk... Just wanted to met you that's all" He shrugged. " And yes, the name is actually BEN, BEN Drowned" He introduced himself. You placed your pillow down again, " Well BEN, why did you suddenly decide to pop out of my screen?" " Eh... Seeing you play for such a long time made me exited to met you. You seem cool and cute, so I thought, why not?" You blushed when he called you cute. " Thanks... I guess." You rubbed awkwardly behind your neck. " Erm... I don't have something special to do right now sooooo... Wanna play?" You asked and just wanted to make the awkward silence go away. " Of course!"

[Happy ending... I'm actually thinking of making one where there isn't a happy ending... Maybe. Hope you enjoyed]

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