Candy Pop X Abused Child Reader

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[This ends tragic. Warning DEATH and wishes of death... Don't read if you don't like and please stay safe]

Your name was [Y/N], you are around 6 years old. Your parents showed you hell by torturing you all night long. And more than that... They would try new ways to bring you down in pain. You were now sitting in your blood covered room. You didn't have anything in it. The blood was all yours past the years. You still didn't understand why you were born to this hell.

This night were you lucky... Or somewhat lucky. Your parents were out, probably drinking and having fun. They left you locked in the room. You decided to take avandage to get some sleep while you could. It didn't take long before you were out cold. You felt heavy as you soon started to dream.

The dream~

You walked around in a forest. It was huge and had really tall trees. You felt lost and confused. But the scene soon changed. You were now in the middle of a carnival. You never thought your dreams could be this beautiful, since you haven't had one of these ever. No one was around though... Only one. It looked like a clown of a like. He had long blue hair, clown make up on and had blue, purple and black on. He came closer to you with a purple ballon.

He didn't say much or nothing at all actually. He reached the ballon out to you and smiled. You smiled back and reached out for the ballon.... But something interrupted everything.

End of dream~

You soon woke up with a sting by your side. You opened your eyes seeing your mom and dad home already. " Thought you could get sleep? Tch... Think again stupid" Said you mom and rolled her eyes. She acted like a bitch all the time. Your dad just stood there with that same smirk of evilness. You didn't say anything, just kept quiet. " You are lucky today... We just got a call from a friend. So we are leaving soon." You looked confused of why they told you this info. They usually don't talk this much to you.

" Understand?!" Yelled your mom and pointed at you. You slow nodded and looked away. They left without a single word then... You sighed in relief. Then you remembered that boy trying to give you that purple ballon. You didn't think much about it, but really wanted to continue the dream.

You soon could hear the car start and drive away. You always wished the could crash whenever they drive. But it your wish never happened. As the time passed by slowly, was there suddenly a noise coming from the locked door. A click was heard and then the handle slowly turned. You were afraid that it was someone who just broke into the house. But in someway wished you also that the person could end your suffering.

It seems cruel for a 6 year old to think suicide... But your parents have broken you from the start and will continue until your body can't take it anymore. You saw someone creep in the room and turning the light on from outside. You looked at the person. It was a boy and he looked exactly like boy you dreamed of. " What's your name?" Asked you curiously. He smiled at you, " Candy Pop" Said he and kneeled down to you.

He picked you up and brought you to another room. It was the living room of the house. You haven't seen the whole house since your small room was the only room you knew. " [Y/N]..." Spoke he. You looked at him meanwhile he placed you down on the couch. " I'm here because there was a wish I had to fulfil" Said he and took out a purple ballon. [ Magic... Don't question it xD] He have you ballon and smiled at you yet again.

" You probably know what I'm talking about..." You nodded. Sadly knew you what he was talking about. It wasn't the wish of your parents death. No. It was yours. There was simply no meaning of living anymore. He sat besides you and looked down at you. You felt scared... You felt scared to die. Tears began to show and rolled softly down your cheeks. Candy Pop placed an arm around your shoulder, " It's ok..." Said he and removed some of the tears.

" It's gonna be ok." Said he. Even if you just met the guy and stuff, did you trust him with 100%. You nodded and leaned against his touch. You closed your eyes slowly and felt your body become heavy. He slowly stroke your [C/H Color hair] and giggled a little. [Which isn't creepy at all... Sorry] Then everything turned black and you felt more light.

It was like you were in a dream. No hell or heaven, but in your own little world. Candy Pop was there too. He made you happy and was there when you needed it... So death was really better than the life.

[ End. AND guys! Life is important and stuff people love you and you are not alone! This was just requested. Hope you like anyways Boi!]

Creepypasta One-Shot Book [Requests Open]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora