Masky X Reader #2

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[ cough! It's almost New Year! Wooooo!!! I hope every single one of you are gonna meet 2019 in a positiv way. What do I mean by that? Pffff Idk :3 I just hope you'll enjoy the fireworks and have a good time.]

You slept not great. It was probably one of the worst nights in your life. Maybe. You looked around the room you were in. Kinda boring actually. But you liked the random dog picture there was in the room. You decided to get up, ' How dafuq....' And then hit realisation you. " Holy sh-t... Some random guy just kidnapped me" You facepalmed meanwhile slightly cursing at yourself. Well... At least escaped you the hell hole you were living in. You checked your angle, and it seemed to be fine. You tried carefully to get up, and it was still a bit sore, but good to go. The room seemed a little small, but it at least had a window :D.

The door creaked slightly open, which made you look at it and fearing what was about to come. Turns out it was the guy who kidnapped you. You were about to say something, but he interrupted you. " I can explain, and then can you ask questions" He said meanwhile just standing in the doorway.

After him explaining, which he wasn't good at, and apologizing some times, " But why me?" You questioned meanwhile not really getting his point or reason. You were sitting on the bed because your angle was still sore and stuff stuff. " [Because this is a oneshot xD sorry] You seemed to have interested me. Don't take it in a weird way" He sighed. You nodded slowly, " Mmhmmmmm.... What was your name again?" You asked and probably lost some braincells because of the injection. " Masky. Although my original name is Tim Wright" He said and rubbed the back of his head a little. You nodded again. Well, you still didn't understand why he wanted you or had kidnapped you.

" Oh by the way" He broke the silence, " You can stay here. Or... We're still talking about your stay. But... For now are you living with us" He smiled a little. " Oh okay" You smiled, until you rethought what he just said, " Who's 'we'?" You asked and thought you were gonna live with a bunch of guys that's probably a lot older than you. " Well... There's Jeff, Jack, the other Jack, Hoodie, Toby, BEN..." You got nervous when only guy names were mentioned, " Sally, Jane... Clockwork.." But when he continued and mentioned girls too, was things okay again. Kinda... Not really. It seems like there was many people living here, which made you nervous and a little anxious. " But don't worry. I'm sure they won't kill you" He said and smiled like nothing was wrong with what he just said. ' That doesn't help..' You thought and hugged the quilt a little.

" Wow. That really help. The fact that they'll probably kill me is comforting" You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes slightly. Masky got silent and didn't really know what to respond to that. Luckily distracted the dog picture on the wall you a little, so it wasn't that awkward. " You're probably hungry. I'll go get you some food" He said politely and walking out the door. You were hungry yes, but you felt anxious and uneasy, so you didn't really wanna eat anything.

Not long after came Masky back with some food and [Whatever you wanna drink]. " I don't know what you like, so I picked something simple" He said and smiled. You wanted to say at least a thank you, but nothing came out. " I'll leave you alone now. I'll come check on you after some time" He went over to you and fluffed your hair a little, but in a caring way... Somehow. He afterwards left the room, leaving you alone and probably bored too.

[Ugh. I feel like this one is just boring to read and MEH! I'm so sorry if I've disappointed you. I tried my best, but it's probably not good enough. But I hope you enjoyed it anyways :3]

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