Liu Homicidal X Reader

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It was late at night and you just came home from your job or school. You sighed and got into your apartment... The days feels so long for some reason, but you eventually got threw them all and now was it weekend.

You found your (favorite game) and started to play for just some time. The time passed quick and it was getting late. You ordered pizza for dinner and waited for it. You slightly felt you being watched, but it didn't effect you in any way. The pizza arrived and you ate it happily. Footsteps could sometimes be heard outside of your window, but no one was there when you went to check. You shrugged it off and finished eating, cleaned up after yourself... Stuff like that. You wanted to stay up late, like maybe 1 am but the tiredness came over you and you just went to bed 10 pm. 

[Liu/Sully's P.O.V]

I was outside the girls house watching from kinda close. The lights went off and I guess she went to bed. " You really are a creep..." " Shut it... I'm just watching my victim" I mumbled and tried to ignore Sully saying I'm stalking her. I know it's stalking but... I don't know why though. I thought this kill could be easy and quick, but I've been watching her for a week now. It isn't that long but Sully think it is. ' Just get over with it and kill her ' I shock my head.

Sully just kept complaining and it was staring to get really annoying.  I started to find a way inside her house... but I couldn't find any... I looked up and saw a window that was slightly open. I started to climb, ' What the f*'k do you think you are doing?' Asked Sully me and started to fight after the control. I won, luckily. I continued until I reached the window. ' Ok... What now?' Asked I myself and looked around. It was pretty dark inside and cold actually. When my eyes finally have adjusted to the darkness, could I see a room with the door slightly open.

I saw the girl peacefully sleep on her bed, ' Now is your chance Liu ' Told Sully me. He moved my right hand up with the butcher knife I had in my pocket. I tried to stop him, but apparently is he sometimes stronger than me. Sully stabbed the knife down almost hitting until I screamed in reflex, " NO!" I then got control and threw the knife away from me.

It landed in a corner and got stuck in the wall. I looked back at the girl who was now sitting up and fear in her eyes. She then took a deep breath... I knew she was gonna try scream and wake up the neighbors, so I quickly putted my hand on her mouth to shut the sound off. She kinda panicked and started to make a run for it. I pinned her down, ' Great... Are you now gonna rape her?' ' Shut it Sully and no...' I looked at her eyes meeting mine, " Try to scream and it'll be worst for you" Said I and saw her nod her head.

I then slowly removed my hand off her mouth, " Who-why-what are you doing in my house?" She had fear in her voice but it was also kinda calm. " W-well... I've actually been wa-- He totally tried to kill you. Shut up Sully!" The girl looked at me in confusion and slightly moved away, " I won't kill you... But I can't garanti that Sully will" She just slowly nodded her head. " The names Liu. And... The other voice you heard before was Sully." I sighed and removed some of my hair that was in the way. " The names (Y/N)" Her voice was more calming now and it sounded beautiful. 

There was an awkward silence until Sully broke it, " You are quite lucky (Y/N). Liu haven't fallen for a girl in a long time" I blushed and just cursed under my breath. She also had a blush on her face meanwhile looking down. " It's not... I mean." It's weird how someone as me can freak out ny something like this. But I just couldn't stop thinking of her... I then moved over to the corner where my butcher knife was and pulled it out of the wall, " Guess I'll see you later (Y/N)" I then jumped out of the window. 

[Normal P.O.V or something] 

As Liu disappeared into the darkness of the night... Were you quite confused but tried to think it through. You then went back to sleep and slept peacefully dreaming of the guy you just met. 

[ Done... Yay? If you want me to continue on this one or somethin... Can you always ask] 

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