Pierce The Viel

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Signs as 'Bulletproof Love' Lyrics
Aries: It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone (YOU'RE HOME ALONE!! dun dUn DUNNN!!)

Taurus: Forever & Alone (Yeah only that haha)

Gemini: My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me (STRAIGHT TO THE FEELS)

Cancer: Will never leave my lips again. Under the blinding rain. (Ajuju)

Leo: I'll sing along but I'm barely hanging on (Me too Leo, me too)

Virgo: I'll sing along, cause I don't any other song (Well damn Vic, you're the vocalist..)

Libra: By the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone (;-; i cri here)

Scorpio: I can barely say your name. So I'll try to write it & fill the pen with blood from the sink (Just get a marker and vandalize your school with your ex's name)

Sagittaruis: Pretend that it's a song. Cause forever it's yours. (Aww..its like he's saying that mark my name in your heart)

Capricorn: This isn't fair! Don't you try to blame this on me! (Lover's Quarrel be like..)

Aquaruis: & you've gone & sewn me to this bed the taste of you & me..( What did you do in the bed guy.. 0-o)

Pisces: I wanna hold your hand so tight, I'm gonna break my wrist (CAN A GUY SAY THIS TO ME??)

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