Lets Take The Long Way Home Pt.7 (Final of VacationSeries)

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A FOURTH UPDATE. I want to End the Series because NO ONE, I think, is enjoying it, soo😂 might as well end it and do other ones, I had to shorten it soo yeah, but uh, enjoy! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Y/N's P.O.V.

It's a six hour drive from here back to home, a long horrible six hour drive. But, instead of Ed taking the shortest route, he chose the scenic route, to enjoy the last remnants left of our vacation.

I sat there with my hand out the window and my short hair flying into my mouth, the route was windy and cold. The wind picked up and the clouds became darker, but I enjoyed it. We looked at the cars passing by looking at the plates, seeing how far they've come for this vacation.

New Mexico
Everyone needs time off of work, right?

The rain poured, lightning and thunder struck in the distance, I guess we couldn't go to the mountains again. Instead, the radio kept us occupied. And that's when Castle on the Hill came on. (In description with meme:)

I opened the window and instantly rain comes pouring in but I still sang the song, while Ed was swerving from the laughter, and from how soaked we were.

When I was six years old I broke my leg

I was running from my brother and his friends

I tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down

I was younger then

Take me back to when

We had to close the window from all he water and electric devices in the car. We looked like a mess after the rain came and the wind attacked beside it. I never knew how powerful it was, especially now that we're going through mountains. I look at the console and see the rain droplets dripping, clothing soaked and bags destroyed. Oops.

It wasn't like we could air dry either, it was pouring, defeats the purpose but, Ed Sheeran is on.

I'm on my way

Driving at 90

Down those country lanes

Singing to tiny dancer

And I'm miss the way you used to make me feel

It's real

And we watched the sunset over the Castle on the Hill

The music blaring and our screaming made us look like we were hostages in our own car if you weren't with us. Looks from cars beside us we're incredible. They sped up or moved lanes away from us or just looked at us if we were psychotic. I guess that is what happens if Ed Sheeran is on.

Jumping in our seats and banging the roof, it was like a club but without the drinks, but with the fun. Our laughing and our singing sounded like joined screeching hyenas, oh well.

Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long

Oh how we've grown

And I can't wait to go home

I'm on my way

Driving at 90

Down those country lanes

Singing to tiny dancer

And I miss the way you make me feel

It's real

And we watched the Sunset over the Castle On The Hill.

From the fun and the replaying of the song, the time passed and I finally got my burger, now that was amazing. When you're having fun time flies faster than it should. I should know. The eight hour scenic routes felt like an hour, but the time and sky would say otherwise. Might as well treasure it while it's here, or it will be all gone. "Welcome Home, Y/N!" And enjoy what you have.

One friend left to sell clothes

One works down by the coast

One had two kids but lives alone

One's brother overdosed

One's already on his second wife

Ones just barely getting by but

These people raised my and I

Can't wait to go home.- Imagine#20

Well that concludes the Vacation Series! I hope you all enjoyed!! And if you didn't sorry, I might not do this again so yeah, but besides that hopefully you enjoyed. The Next Imagine Awaits! K.V. Is Out, byeeeeeeeeeeee- Writingheart1989

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