Family Pt.3~Special Request

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Asked by Keeley_Greenleaf and it's a continuation:) hope you enjoy!

Also, anyone have tips to help pain in back, shoulder, and neck? Mine's unbearable help.❤️

Y/N's P.O.V.

Ed finished his performance, leaving the crowd stunned, as well as me. I turn to Edily, head limp but doing something I haven't seen in a long time.


I gasp quietly as the world around me fell silent, everything going through slow motion as it stuck in my brain.

Sometimes smiles aren't all that to go about, but I haven't seen her smile since before the accident.

At the party.

About a year ago.

I noticed that all her 'friends' never came to visit her or even ask how she is doing.

I guess that's one way to find out who is there for you or not, but it isn't right.

It's been a year and I still can't accept it.

Her smile fades away when she realizes I've been gazing at her and I instantly turn away.

If only.


It's late, everyone showered?" I ask Isla, Daniel, and Stella, as they finish up their dinner after a long talk full of laughter and stories.

"Yeah, we did once we got home, mom you were there and sent us to shower," Isla says and I had no clue until she said it.

"That's right, 'm sorry, I forgot," I say sheepishly and feel a pang in my heart from the way their faces drop. I feel Ed's hand intertwine with mine for comfort as they put their plates in the sink.

"Goodnight, mum," they come back and say, placing kisses on my cheek and hugs to Ed as they scurry up the stairs to their rooms. Edily was spoon-fed by Ed and silent the whole time, a scowl on her face. Ed lifts her out of her wheelchair and I fold it up to take it up to her room.

He cradled Edily in his arms, and it occurred to me that Ed and I have not once had a proper conversation of Edily's state since the accident. It became an empty reminder of something you don't want to do.

Up the stairs, we go into Edily's room and Ed gently places her on the bed, upright so she won't have trouble swallowing. Once we lifted the blanket halfway up her chest, Edily's eyes flutter close and it's silent.

"Goodnight Edily," Ed says after a while and I do the same. Ed leaves and I go up to her and kiss her soft cheek.

I leave on the small lamp she never outgrew and leave her room, going to find Ed.

He sat on the couch with his head in his hands and tears rolling down his cheek. I quietly sit next to him and he lands his head on my shoulder, uncovering his face and letting the tears fall.

I run my hands through his hair, feeling his tears on my bare shoulder.

"Why did it have to be her?" He asks quietly to no one in particular, "why couldn't it be..." His voice faded out and replaced by tears and silence of the cold, hard truth.

We would never get the old Edily back.


Edily didn't have a memory on us, or at least a good one.

She didn't have a good memory on anything if I'm being honest.

She couldn't move anymore, and her head forever rested on her shoulder, then she would soon just be sat in a wheelchair.

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