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Hello, thank you for coming to my T(Ed) Talk.

I'm horrible at being serious sorry, but I have been on Tumblr lately and noticed that a lot of writers I follow have had problems where some post their work on other apps like this one.

It may have been a misunderstanding or a mistake but it is piracy.

Now, if the picture is not loading or you may need simpler wording cuz same; this is what piracy means.

Piracy is an act of plagiarism and is where Person 1 posted their work and Person 2 copies it or posts it on a different app or whatever without Person 1's consent.

Maybe Person 2 did not understand or didn't know or just did it because they enjoy Person 1's work, but it is not a cool thing Person 1 has to go through and confront Person 2 when they have social anxiety and don't like being mean.

Why am I bringing this up you may ask during this T(Ed) Talk? You thought we were talking about Ed Sheerio? Same.

Well Y/N, my work has wandered off into (a) different App(s) without my knowledge and it brought me back to the Tumblr thing going on with the people I follow.

And I'd hate to be that ghoul, but it's not really cool. I get it you didn't know or things like that, but I didn't know and you didn't tell me. I won't confirm nor deny if I would approve my work being out into the world, you private message me if you have questions about that instead please.

I don't know everyone who has done has taken my work, but if you are one of them CAN YOU NOT?????

Please do not post them elsewhere without my knowledge. Ask me. Ask. Ask. Ask me. If you are one of those who have done that, please take them down or delete them please, it is not cool it's a crime. Please don't do that, if any have done it or want to, don't, if you are doing it STOP (in the name of love)

I'm not doing this to point fingers or make a person feel bad heck no. I would not do that, if I all of sudden know that you did it I'm not going to do it publicly, I'll tell you privately because it's better and not rude af. I am not doing this for a person to feel bad, you made a mistake it doesn't form if you are a bad person at all, you just have awareness now, lovelies <3

I consider myself pretty chill and I really would like if those of you doing it could just delete. I'm a forgive and forget type it's a mistake not a life sentence.

But really.

Thank you for hearing me out and ask me first please!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for coming to my T(Ed) Talk

I have nothing else to offer but my love for y'all<3 bye y'all~

K.V. Is Out (of the Social Media Closet) byeeeeeeeeee<3~ Writingheart1989:)

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