Day 7 of 12 Days of Edmas~The Late Late Invitees

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I feel better, sort of =_=

Ed's P.O.V.

It has been a hectic past days, especially for Y/N, all the shopping, fighting, and a recent hangover left her drained pretty much. So, now it's about seven in the morning and Y/N is still asleep as I'm wide awake.

I comb my fingers softly through her hair and push it out of her face. Her head laid upon my chest as her arms and legs were tangled in the blankets. Not once did her breathing falter, indicating that this sleep was well needed.

The little ones don't wake up until about eight or nine, and I'm pretty sure she won't wake up till then either.

So I guess I could sleep or admire someone who I'm glad to call my wife.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Y/N's P.O.V.

I awake to a light shining through the window and Ed's cologne. I turn to my side to avoid the light and think about what today has for me. We need to do the invitations, that's for sure. I silently get out of bed and rummage through our cabinet to find a notepad and pen. Once I do, I make my way back to bed where Ed wasn't effected at all. I start to mark on the page of people we need to send the message to, and it's like everyone I know flew out of my brain. I hate when that happens.

We are gonna invite our parents obviously, close friends, their kids for Maxine and Darcey, and if they want they can bring their parents, I think to myself and write the first couple names down.

Harry and Fleur.
Niall and Evelyn.
Louis and Monét.
Liam-wait they are out of town.

Do we want Zayn? I think to myself and just write his name down, since I don't even know if he is still here.

Next is obviously Stewart.
Tay-Tay and Joe.
Lindseyy and her dog, Luna obviously, and her crew with their families.
Cannot forget Paul.

What else, what else, what else. I think to myself and count the people I have and make a mental note.

So Harry may invite his sister and Mom.
Louis has a big family so obviously all of them are coming.
Niall's brother, and Theo, hopefully with his guardian.
Fleur's sister.
Maybe Zayn.

Then I have my sister, who is single forever.
We also have Tay-Tay's Squad, hopefully Joe's and her family.

Cannot forget Luna.

And and and, shiitake mushrooms, Maxine and Darcey's friends and their parents.

Just as long as da bitch stays a good fifty feet from me.

Then, I'm a hundred percent sure that's it.

I finish up the last sentence and realize this only took ten minutes, since this was the easy part.

Now the hard part is telling everyone.

I'll have Ed do it, I think to myself and put the notepad and pen on the night stand.

Besides, we have some baking to do today.- Imagine#62

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