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A Seashell.
It's a Mystery.
It holds the secrets that are deep in the ocean.
Where you'll find the best ones.
The ones that are hiding,
Are the most beautiful and best.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
You could only find them in certain places.
You could only find the best in hiding spots.
But you'll find the worst up in the sand,
And don't let those fool you.
For the true Shell is in the ocean.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
It's a Treasure.
It has meaning and a story beneath each
Crack, Mark, and Scar.
And if you listen,
You'll hear the mighty adventures it took.
Through the waves, rocky shore, and deep ocean.
It's a storyteller.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
It will fool you.
Superstition of it causing Disaster.
Don't take it if you aren't willing to keep it.
And if you do,
Beware of the mighty bumps in the road.
But you'll be brave.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
They come in all shapes, sizes, forms, everything.
And each is beautiful.
But, the only one that's right for me is the best one.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
Alone in the Ocean.
Swimming through each rock, coral and wave.
It does it alone,
Trying to find their other half in a sea of lovers.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
A possession.
It's not a toy, and it's not just a shell.
You don't sell them, you don't throw them away.
You treat them with the respect and care they deserve.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
Not a Decoration.
Not something to put up on a shelf.
Not to put up for show.
It's worth more than your lies.
Worth more than your selfish heart.
Worth more Than Anything.
And that's You.

A Seashell.
It holds a memory that you won't forget.
How could you forget it?
It spins around in your head,
Leaving you thoughtless.
And that's You.

That's You.
Hiding & Loving.
Beautiful & Different.
Lonely at Love.
Worth More Than Anything.
You are my Seashell.

- Imagine#32

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