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Mark awoke suddenly to his dark room. He breathed in deeply.
What was that all about? Maybe all the editing with "A Date with Markiplier" was getting to him.
Getting up, he walked to his dresser and pulled out a white shirt with some black pants. He wanted the simplicity. With a sigh, he walked down the stairs into the kitchen. He was greeted with his dog, Chica. He fed her and then went to make his own food.
He filled a bowl with cereal and milk. He ate it in silence, the dream still on his mind.
After breakfast, he went to the studio and prepared for a video.

After dropping f-bombs and flipping of the game, Mark edited the video and let it render. With all the shouting, Mark had almost forgotten about the dream.
After a small, quick lunch, he trudged up the stairs. Chica went to follow him, but he told her to lay down.
Halfway up, a stabbing pain suddenly hit him in the back of the head. Mark collapsed​ with the pain.
Forcing himself to stand up, he dragged himself to the bathroom.
Once inside, Mark supported his weight on the countertop. He splashed water in his face, his eyes stinging. Looking up, he saw dull black eyes with untidy eyeliner staring back.
"You!" Mark shouted, backing up in shock. He tripped and fell into the bathtub.
When he managed to stand up, he saw himself in the mirror. Not the dead face that had stared back at him.
He shook his head. No more horror games for a while.

**** Hey! This is also really short, but I did in the car and I kinda ran out of ideas. I hope you guys enjoy it! ****

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