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I've decided that I will make a sequel, so be prepared for it when this is done. Maybe I can finish this all in one night. Its really late right now, or when I wrote this, so PLEASE excuse my spelling errors. And I would also like to thank all you guys for all the reads!!! 201 OF Y'ALL GUYS!!!!!!! AND I'M NOT EVEN FINISHED YET!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

Jack was somewhere dark. All he could see was the empty void of darkness. He was terrified.
Where was Mickey? Or Pen? The last thing he remembered was Mark asking her if David and Peter knew who she was. Then he was suddenly taken away from his body and forced into the back of his head.
He looked to the corner of his left eye. He could have sworn he had seen movement.Walking towards the area, he saw a door.Without really thinking, he opened it and stepped through. He found himself in his bedroom.
And Signe sat on his bed. Felix and Marzia stood next to her, patting her on the back.
All of them were crying.
"Why did he abandon me? W-we were s-so happy..." Signe sobbed.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to. I just think he would have wanted it." Felix said, tears running down his face.
"We all want him back..." Marzia said, her high voice sad and monotone, which was impossible.
"You're r-right." Signe said, getting up. "He would have wanted it."
And suddenly they were in a room full of chairs. People sat near the front. Sean noticed that everyone was wearing dark colours. Suddenly anxious, he made his way towards the front. He passed Felix, Marzia, and Signe, who sat in the front row. But something drew him to the front of the room.
Mark stood to what looked like a coffin. Tears lined his face. Jack looked to see who had died.

Jack's lifeless body laid in the coffin.

"Why did you do it, Sean? Why did you take your life?" Mark whispered. He looked broken.
Sean came to his senses.
"I'm right here! I'm not dead! I am still alive!" he shouted. Mark didn't seem to even see or hear him.
I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead. He had died. Was he like Peter now? A ghost?
"Don't like it, do you? Being ignored? Its an unsettling feeling. Makes you hopeless." An Irish voice said. Peter stood next to dead Jack. His appearance was Anti, though if Sean concentrated, he could see a young man with a long beard and large ears.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Sean whimpered. He was so scared.
"Because you're innocent!" Peter seemed to be having a hard time keeping himself together as he glitched, mixing with Anti. "And you hate being ignored. So let's begin...."

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