The Beginning of Weirder Things

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Mark and Mickey jumped up and rushed to the other side of the hallway, where the guest room was. It had gone silent after the scream, and the worry in the atmosphere was intoxicating. Chica began barking, making the air even more scary.
"Sean!!!" Mark yelled, bursting through the door. Jack sat on his bed, pointing at a mirror that was above the black dresser.
"I saw him!!! He... was right there!!! H-he kept telling me to sleep! I got dizzy and... and then..." Jack stuttered. He seemed to be terrified. But the Mickey and Mark had more fear coursing through them when Jack turned to look at them.
One of his eyes were green, the other a deathly black.
"Sean!" Mark gasped, slowly backing away. Mickey instead walked forward and looked Jack in the eyes.
"Who was in the mirror?" she questioned.
The brightness of Jack's green eye slowly faded as he concentrated on the past few seconds.
"It was... him. The thing from my dreams. Antisepticeye. When I looked in the mirror, he was standing there. Then he started telling me to sleep. I couldn't move or talk. I finally came to my senses and screamed. Then he disappeared." Jack whispered. He seemed calmer, though a look of terror still mingled on is face.
"Why did you-" Mark went to question, though a look from Mickey silenced him. He understood. They didn't need to scare Jack anymore than he already was.
"It's okay. It was just a trick. He's trying to scare you." Mickey said, rubbing Jack's back.
"O-oh okay." Jack said back.
"And anyway, y'all guys can't look like this to make videos! Y'all guys look like crap." Mickey replied, trying to lighten up the mood.
Mark's face went from troubled to shocked. "I still need the post the one from yesterday! And I haven't made one for today! Oh shit!" He got up and nearly sprinted back to his room, getting clean clothes on and stumbling down the stairs.
"You should probably go with him. Y'all guys can play a game together." Mickey encouraged Jack. She left the room.
Jack pushed his hair out of his face. He was still slightly shaken up from everything, but somehow Mickey's touch had calmed him.
Why was that? She wasn't Signe. She was a thirteen years old girl that was into to other girls.
And that was okay.

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