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Mark walked to his room. He had had enough of this. He sat on his bed and pulled out his phone. He updated his Twitter, retweeting a gif of himself. He also reblogged a small edit on Tumblr. He had posted the picture to his Instagram, when he was with Amy. He didn't look miserable.
What was wrong with him? Why was he seeing things? Was it just his imagination? Mark didn't really want to know. The answer would be a bad one. Probably.
Mark hadn't noticed that the lights in his room were flickering. He did notice that the air seemed to be getting colder with each passing second, though. He wrapped himself up in his covers. He vision grew hazy. What the fuck? What was happening? He couldn't make out his room from the weird fog that now covered his vision. What the fucking-?
Mark wasn't able to finish his thoughts. He had passed out with his phone still on, lying on his chest.


Sean, or Jack, sat back in his chair, in deep thought. Several deep thoughts, actually. He had decided to make a bunch of videos to prepare for his trip to L.A. He still questioned whether or not he should go. As much as he loved his American friends, he was really busy at the moment. He had things to do with his family, and he had to find help for the strange dreams...
Maybe Mark would help. Mark was always good at comforting Jack. No matter how much he was criticised for it. But that's what friends do.
Jack watched as his last video rendered. It still had a hour or so, so he might as well do something. The Irishman got up and walked through his house to the kitchen to make a small meal. It was 7 o'clock in the evening, yet he had completely skipped lunch in his attempt to make as many videos as possible.

After dinner, Jack went to check on the video. It still had thirty minutes.
"Fookin' Christ, man." Jack groaned. He hated waiting. He hated sitting still for any period of time. And he had nothing to do!
Maybe he could call Mark. All he had done was text him since they decided that he could come and stay. Grabbing his phone from his desk, Jack scrolled through his contacts and found Mark.
The phone rang for a few seconds, and then it went straight to voicemail.
"Hello! Sorry I couldn't answer. I was probably making a video. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye bye!" Mark's voice said. Jack hung up before it beeped.
He got up and walked to his room. He still had to pack for the trip. He would be leaving tomorrow. Grabbing his suitcase from his closet, Jack went to his dresser. He pulled out a few shirts, some pants, and other clothing. Going to his closet again, he picked out two hoodies. He set them on the bed and then sat next to the suitcase. He had suddenly gotten dizzy. The Irishmen decided to go to his restroom. He did need a shower.

Jack looked in the mirror in his bathroom. He rapidly blinked. He thought he had seen himself with a green eye and sharp ears. He looked again. Normal.
Deciding that the shower could wait, Jack walked back to his room to finish packing.

But he never made it to his room.

He collapsed in the hallway. And the Darkness over took him.

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