Hello Friend

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Jack sat at the table, trying to comprehend what Mickey was saying.
"So Mark and I actually have dark opposites, and you're here to help us." he said with very little confidence. Mickey nodded.
"What I don't understand is, if your helping Mark and me, why are you here with just me?"
Mickey giggled. "Because there's two of me, silly." Jack just looked at her. "You see, I'm just a figment of y'all guys imagination. So I can be several things at once. Though its tiring. That's why we have to get ready to get on your plane. It leaves in a few hours." Mickey looks at her wrist, though there is no watch. "Or three hours, nine minutes, and twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-two.... You get the point."

Three hours, nine minutes, and twenty something seconds later, Jack sat down in his seat on his plane. Mickey sat in the empty seat next to him. She looked at him and whispered, "Don't talk to me if you don't want to make yourself look crazy. No one else can see me."
Jack nodded and looked at the seat in front of him. This was gonna be a long flight.


Mark sat on his bed, his head in his hands.
"Are you hungry? I pretty good at cooking. My mom is a chef. Or Abby's mom is a chef. I think. I actually have no idea." Mickey asked, sitting next to Mark. He scooted away from her.
"This is all your fault." he accused.
"I didn't create Dark. Or Anti. Y'all guys did. They were your imaginations. And its not like you're gonna have to face them. Not really. Just keep yourself in control." Mickey said without any emotion. "Now are you hungry? Jack's gonna be here in a few hours, and its nearly 8 o'clock."
Mark doubted he could eat anything, but nodded.
Mickey clapped her hands together. "Alright then! How about chicken tacos? Do you have all the ingredients for that?"
"I went to the store yesterday."
"Great! This is going to be more fun than making Jack eggs!"
"You made Jack eggs?"
"Don't ask."
Mark heard Mickey skip down the stairs to the kitchen. Chica tumbled after her. He rolled his eyes. This kid was energetic.

"Markimoo! Dinner's ready! Stop pouting and come down stairs!" Mickey called. Mark got up and stomped down the stairs. He stopped when he made it to the bottom. It smelled wonderful.
Mickey skipped around the table, putting plates and silverware on the table. She wore an apron that read 'Mickey Mouse'. She looked down and it disappeared.
"You did not have all the things for chicken tacos, so instead I made chicken alfredo! I managed to find everything to make the sauce. I'm kinda glad that I'm not real, 'cause my wrist would have hurt a LOT from stirring."
Mark walked in, astonished.
"This is wonderful." For a thirteen year old, she was good.
"Well, stop standing there and come sit down, silly!"
Mark noticed there was three plates.
"Why are there three plates?" he asked, looking at Mickey.
"'Cause in five, four, three, two, one-"
Jack knocked on the door.

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