The Battle

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The title is so FREAKING EPIC. Or sounds like it is. Well, I tried. This is the second to last chapter. Sorry. :( At least there's a sequel!!! Hope you enjoy!

Mark shuddered awake. It felt like something was crawling out of his mouth. With a loud cough, a black cloud left him. Penny looked at it in compassion, before it charged into Jack's body.
"Shit! No, David!!! Stop!!!" Pen shrieked, her hands covering her mouth.
Mark just sat there, dumbstruck. He felt empty now that David was gone. His head felt... weird. Though when he turned to look at Pen, her horrified expression snapped him awake.
"What's wrong?" he asked. He looked down at Sean.
His eyes were open, one black and the other electric green.
"David.... Peter.... They possessed one body...."
"What....?" Mark didn't understand what was wrong. Jack was definitely strong enough to take on both. The green-haired potato was the most strong willed person Mark had ever met.
"Their too much stress on him. They'll kill him. And themselves." Penelope whispered.

Jack was still in the room with his friends that believed he was dead. They couldn't hear him.
He was alone.
"Please! Just let me go, Peter!!!" Sean begged. Peter sat in the corner, grinning. He simply said, "No one but Pen Pen can call me that."
Sean tried a different tactic.
"What is Penelope like?" Peter's grin froze on his face from the sudden question. He was remembering.
"She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever feast your eyes upon. She had a voice like silk. And she was so talented. She loved to read and write, and she had a passion for the musical arts. She was everything I could of dreamed of." An old smile that belonged to someone who had faced hardships formed on Peter's face.
"But you killed her. It's all your fault." Sean forced himself to say. He didn't want to hurt Peter. But he desperately wanted to leave.
Peter's smile disappeared as tears welled up in his eyes.
"I-it was an a-accident! I d-didn't mean to! I'm s-so sorry, Pen Pen...."
Sean started feeling different. This whole time he felt trapped in the room. Now he felt like he had the actual power to leave. Standing up, he walked towards the door. He knew all he had to do was open it. His arm felt heavy. With a sudden burst of energy, he opened the door.

And saw Dark standing in front of him.
"Why hello, Sean. Nice of you to let me in." David said, pushing past the Irishman. He stopped when he saw Peter crying. He had not noticed David.
"You have no right to cry about her." David spat. His face was terrifying.
Peter looked up. He started.
"How the bloody fucking hell did you get here!" He exclaimed.
Instead of answering, Darkiplier rushed forward and slammed his fist into Anti's head. Peter cowered away, while Jack fell to the ground. He had felt the punch. Which meant one thing.
He was connected to a fucking demon.
Dark continued to ram his fist into Peter's head. Bruises formed on Sean's face. Jack needed to stop Dark.
His vision blurry and his head pounding, he launched himself at David and held him down. David had been using Markiplier's form, so of course he was a tad larger. Jack struggled against him.
And suddenly Peter was helping Jack. They held him down as Anti began to grab a knife out of thin air.
He was going to stab David to death.
Sean knew this wasn't right. He didn't want any death. He didn't want anymore pain.
He stopped Peter.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Sean's body had gotten up and proceeded to choke Mark.
"Sean! Get THE FUCK OF ME!!!!!" Mark screamed. Penelope tried to pull Jack off, but she wasn't strong enough.
"They must be fighting!" She shouted.
"I KIND OF FUCKING GUESSED THAT!!!" Mark yelled back. Chica barked next to him, her stance possessive.
Suddenly, Sean stopped.
And collapsed.
"Sean!" Penny rushed to Sean's side as Mark tried to regain his breath.
Sean's eyes blinked opened as she spoke his name. They were their normal blue.
"It's alright." He said calmly. Slowly, a green and black smoke leaked from him. They collected themselves, and made a humanoid shape.
David was tall and handsome, with an old fashioned suit and a cane.
Peter was small, his hair long and with an old hat on. His clothes were ragged, though he wore a warm smile.
"David!" Penny shouted. Her form melted into a beautiful young lady with short hair as she hugged him. Peter watched, slightly hurt. With a grin, Pen pulled him into the hug.
"OKAY. So what the FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD JUST HAPPENED?" Mark asked. He stared at everyone.
"Freedom happened, lad." Peter exclaimed. His voice was deeper than Jack's. "And seeing your hot wife." David said, kissing Penelope. His voice was fine and sharp, though laugh lines creased his face.
"FUCK YEAH!" Sean randomly shouted. He went to give the others a hug, but went right through. "Oh."
Everyone laughed.
Even the hidden figure.

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